Chapter 14

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~•Aphmau's POV•~
I felt a soft pair of lips gently kiss my forehead. I smiled, knowing exactly who it was. My eyes fluttered open to see a smiling Laurance.
"Good morning, beautiful" He said. I blushed and smiled.
"Good morning" I said. I turned over and grabbed my phone to look at the time. It was 7:05.
"You have about 2 hours until you have to go to work" I said to Laurance. He nodded.
"Ok, I guess I have time to make breakfast. What do you want?" He asked. I thought for a moment then remembered how good Laurance is at making pancakes.
"How about pancakes" I suggested.
"Sounds good" He said. He kissed my forehead and got out of bed. I blushed and got out of bed too. He went downstairs and I went into the bathroom. I quickly jumped into the shower and washed my hair and body. I got out and brushed my hair and teeth. I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a purple and black shirt, with black combat boots. I walked downstairs and Laurance was done cooking the pancakes. They smelt amazing. I sat down and took a bite of the pancakes. They tasted more amazing than they smelled. When we were finished with breakfast, Laurance went upstairs to take a shower. After he got in the shower I realized that he left all his stuff downstairs. I picked it up and walked upstairs. Laurance walked out of the bathroom with only a towel cover his lower half. He looked at me and blushed. My cheeks started to heat up as I realized I'd been staring at him.
"Ahem. Uh, here's your stuff, you accidentally left it downstairs." I said handing him his stuff. He smiled awkwardly.
"Thanks" He replied. I walked back downstairs and sat on the couch. Well, that was awkward. I turned on Netflix and began to watch a few shows while Laurance was getting ready. Laurance soon came down the stairs in a olive green shirt with black jeans. He looks really cute. I thought but shouldn't he be in a security uniform?
"Laurance?" I said.
"Yea?" He replied.
"Shouldn't you have a security uniform?" I asked him. He shook his head.
"I work 'undercover'. I'm supposed to look like a random guy just walking around the mall" He explained. I nodded.
"Do you think it'd be more believable if this 'random guy' had his girlfriend with him?" I smirked. Laurance blushed.
"I-I uhh..." Laurance studdered. I giggled.
"Come on, you gotta get to work" I grabbed Laurance's hand and we walked out the front door. I locked it behind me and we headed to his car.

When we got to the mall Laurance went to the security desk to check in saying he was here. They told him his schedule, telling him which stores to be in at which times. The man Laurance was talking to looked to be a few years older than us.
"Whose this lovely lady you're with?" The man asked, winking at me. Laurance scoweled at him.
"This is my girlfriend, Aphmau" Laurance said quickly putting his arm around me in a protective mannor. I blushed.
"Its very nice to meet you, Aphmau. I'm Keith" The man said.
"Its nice to meet you too Keith" I replied, flashing a warm smile.
"I should probably get to work now. Come on Aph," Laurance grabbed my hand "I'll see you later Keith" Laurance said.
"Girlfriend, eh?" I said with a giggle. He blushed.
"I-i uhhh, I mean, you are a girl and you are my friend..." He studered, blushing bright pink. I giggled.
"I guess thats true... So, where to first?" I asked. Laurance looked at the piece of paper he got and blushed.
"First store is Victoria's Secret" He said blushing. My cheeks started to heat up.
"I guess now it'll look more natural that I'm with you" I giggled. He nodded.
"Yea..." He said. Laurance and I walked into Victoria's Secret.
"I have to go, uh, look at a few things... You can come if you want." I said. He blushed.
"I'll come with you" He said. I blushed and started to walk over to the bras. I needed some so now seems like a perfect time considering I'm already here. I walked over to a few and looked for my size. I couldn't find it. A sales associate came over.
"Need help finding anything?" She asked with a cheery smile.
"Yes, actually, I can't find my size." I said. She nodded.
"Do you know your size of would you like me to take measurements?" She said.
"I know my size, its..." I looked over at Laurance and he was blushing bright red. "34 double D." I finished. Laurance's face turned dark crimson. She nodded.
"I'll see if we have any of your size in that style." She said walking away. She stopped next to Laurance.
"Lingerie's over there" She said pointing in the direction of all the lingerie. I blushed and so did Laurance.
"I-i-im n-not h-her-" he began.
"I didn't mean for her, cutie, I meant for me." Laurance looked at her disgusted and I scoweled at her.
"Excuse me?" I said sassily. "What if he was my boyfriend"
"Then I'd just have to take him from you." She smirked.
"Heh, like that would happen." Laurance muttered. I blushed.
"Hmph. I'll be back after I check to see if they have your size" She says angrily, walking off.
"Well, that was awkward" I stated. Laurance nodded.
"Tell me about it..." He said. I giggled. The girl came back with the bras I wanted and I thanked her. She tried flirting with Laurance again and I quickly kissed his cheek. She grunted and walked off.
"Thanks." He said blushing. I smiled.
"No problem" I replied. Laurance and I went into each store until it we reached the last.

~•Laurance's POV•~
Aph and I headed to the last store I had to go to for the day. It was Kay jewelers. Aph looked around at the jewelry. I saw a beautiful bracelet. It had amethyst gems and crystals woven together with silver vines. I looked for the price tag, there was none. Thats weird. I thought. Aphmau seemed to be looking at the same bracelt but quickly looked away.
"I'll be right back Laurance, I gotta use the ladies room." She said. I nodded and she walked off to the bathrooms. A salesman came up to me. He looked to be in his 70's. He had glasses and a beer belly with overalls and a plaid shirt.
"Can I help you?" He asked with a smile.
"Yea, how much is that bracelet. The one with the amethyst and crystals" I asked. He took it out of the glass case and looked at the bottom.
"175 dollars" He said. Wow, that's a lot. I thought. I quickly looked in my wallet.
"If you don't mind me askin', who's it for?" He asked.
"My f-friend, Aphmau" I replied. He looked over the top of his glasses at me and chuckled.
"But ya like her more than that." He said. I blushed.
"Yea..." I said.
"Was she the lass with you before?" He asked.
"Yes" I said.
"I think we might be having a sale on that particular bracelet." He winked. My eyes widened.
"R-really?" I asked. He smiled.
"Yup, its 50% off" He said.
"Thank you so much. What is your name?"
"No need to thank me. My names Robert." He said.
"Thank you so much Robert. It means so much!" I exclaimed. He quickly rang up the bracelet and placed it into a small bag. The total with tax came out to be $95.38. I gave him the money and thanked him again. I hid the small bag in my pants pocket when I saw Aphmau coming. I have about 20 mins until I can leave so me and Aph will look around during that time. Aph walked up to me and smiled.
"Hey" I said.
"Hey, sorry it took so long. The line was huge." She replied.
"No problem." We walked around the store for a bit and out of the corner of my eye I saw the handle of a pistol sticking out of a woman's purse. She had white hair and purple eyes. I quickly grabbed Aph's hand and brought her behind a shelf.
"Laurance? Is something wrong?" She asked. I quickly covered her mouth and looked her in the eye.
"Yes, don't panic. I need you to go to the security desk and tell them to come here immediately. You stay outside until everything is safe, ok?" She nods and I remove my hand from her face.
"Will you be ok?" She asked. A tear rolled down her cheek. I wiped away her tear with my hand.
"I'll be fine, now go. Walk out naturally then when you're out of sight run as fast as you can" I said. She nodded and walks out of the store. The woman gets on line and I step right behind her. When it her turn to pay she steps up to the counter and rings up her stuff. I had on a bullet proof vest and my gun was concealed in my pocket. But I'm not gonna use that unless I absolutely have to.
"That will be 856 dollars and 58 cents" the woman behind the counter says. The woman with white hair smirks and goes into her purse. Instead of pulling out her walled she pulls out the gun. Before she can point it at the cashier I punch her in the head as hard as possible, knocking her out. She fell to the ground and so did her gun. The impact of the gun hitting the floor must have set it off. The gun shot echoed and I felt an excruciating pain in my lower leg causing me to topple over, on my way down I smashed my head on the counter. I started getting dizzier, finally hitting the ground. Aphmau ran up to me.
"LAURANCE!" She screamed as tears rolled down her face. She picked me up and held me close to her.
"Please don't leave me..." She whispered in my ear before everything went black.

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