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~ Mia's POV ~

A sharp pain Pierced my head. It felt heavy, I grabbed my head and groaned closing my eyes. I started to get a vision. It was too blurry but I could see a figure when I turned my head to see what's happening. I saw the familiar blue pair of eyes sitting right beside me. The nostalgic long pale white hairs waving due to wind. I also saw we were sitting at some place with height. A cliff or something like that.

*Click* and everything went black. I opened my eyes to see that I m wearing a pure white gown, a simple one and everything around me literally black. I saw something coming toward me from the upper direction. I could figured it out because everything was black n it was pure white like me. It came closer and closer. I saw those nostalgic and beautiful pair of huge white wings.
I knew the second I saw the wings that it was none other than Eustass.

"Mia!" He exclaimed. Every time I meet him it scares the hell out of me. "Mia I m sorry, I'll explain everything." He said softly. Something... Something in my Heart says to Believe him n Trust him. I calmed myself and asked "Eustass can you please explain why the hell we are here in this Shitty Black Hole? Where is Chester and others, where are we?"

"Mia, I m sorry we are in other Dimension. Your real n fragile body is on Earth peacefully sleeping. And Chester and the others are too, sleeping peacefully. You can call this Dimension "Sozo-Ryoku" it means Imagination. It was named by the gods. And few people can only have access to it. Just wait a sec." He snapped his fingers. The second he snapped we were in Large green fields, with beautiful n colorful flowers. It was like heaven. "Mia, do you feel comfortable now?" He asked and I nodded. "Its soo beautiful Eustass. I love it." I said with a grin but confused. "I m happy for you." His lovely and adorable smile faded suddenly his face changed to serious. "Mia, I took you here so you can know what you should know. I know it is too confusing for you to see and experience all this. I will tell you half of what I know because the other half I doubt it myself is true. But please try to understand and please trust me." In my heart something again was telling me to trust him. "Please explain" I said giving him a small smile.

"Mia, You won't believe but you are Half Angel and Half Human. Of course that blood is running in your dad too. He know a little about all this. But he is traveling for this soul purpose. Model is just an excuse. Angels are always given with a good look, so they can live with humans. Your dad has it n therefore he is a model. He can see me. But humans cannot." He explained. A big shock hit me.
How can this be possible?!?! This is fukin Bullshit. I couldn't believe. I was swalloing slowly what he said.

But I clicked something. "But how the hell can Chester see you?" I asked confused. "Mia, I was about to tell you about him. Chester Bennington is the descendant of our God. Angels are not allowed to even see them but Chester got away to the Earth to understand humans. But when he flew to Earth, He lost all his memories. But slowly he got all of his memories. And now he is traveling to know more about Humans. His excuse, nu metal singer. He knows everything. He knows about you too, love."

"Wait wait wait wait wait..... WHAT!?!?!?!?! Now I m thinking this is a freaking huge Dream, huge one. It can't be possible." I said more confused.

"Yeah its true" a voice said from my back. It was a very faint voice. I turned to find Chester standing with his Wings open. My jaw dropped as I saw him. I turned again to see Eustass but couldn't see him. I turned and saw Eustass kneeling like a knight. He was sitting on his one knee down, one up. His left fist on the ground the other on the knee.

"You shouldn't have done that Eustass!!" Chester glared at him looking down. "I apologize, I really am sorry but I had no choice, your Majesty." He said looking down. "Just...just get up Eustass. I can't believe you told her everything. I would have told her at the correct time but you butted in!!" Chester said frowning. "All the Gods are panicking coz you are absent in the Tengoku. So they sent me to find you AND She is the only person that can find you. So they told me to tell her everything. But I didn't tell her everything, Majesty." Eustass said, still looking down but getting up slowly at Chester's wish. Chester turned his head to face me.

"Come here Mia I'll tell you everything, and I m so sorry that I kept all this from you. I was about to tell everything at the correct time but..." He trailed off looking at Eustass disappointed, who was looking down. "Please trust me Mia, come here, please trust your idol"

"Fuking idol... Huh? Are you even human? Ahh yeah you are a God. Please tell me YOU didn't lie to me all this time. Because I thought you were the only one I can trust. But you lost that just now, Bennington." I said desperately, tears trickled down my red cheeks. "Now there is no one I can trust, not even you, Chaz. Whom do I trust? No one in this fuking world. Not even my own dad!!!!!! He also kept all this from me!? I can't believe it!" I choked from the big lump on my throat. I fell in the field helpless, clueless. I couldn't process anything now.

"Mia!!" Chester came towards me running across this big field. I couldn't see anything because the tears blocked my eye sight but I could hear him running towards me. I was sobbing loudly. But Chester came and sat beside me. He put his arms around me but I pushed them away. "I..I.." I tried but couldn't say anything. Chester then tightly hugged me, like he will never let go. "Mia I m so sorry, please don't cry." I heard him whisper. I cleared my vision, soaking the hot tears into my white gown. I saw tears racing down Chester's cheeks. "Mia I'll tell you everything, so don't cry. You are the only person I can't stand crying and sad. I..." Chester kissed my forehead and whispered into my ear hugging me tight.

"I think I have no choice but to trust you, Chester." I murmured. "Please, I want to go home. Take me home Chester. I don't want to be here. And Eustass goodbye." I said. Still tears were welled up in my eyes. Chester picked me up in bridal style. I hugged him. "Let's go Mia, Let's go to our sweet home I'll explain everything later when we reach home." Chester said staring into my eyes. "Hmm" was all I whispered.

I was still hugging him so I could see his back. Huge wings unfolded themselves. And we flew down to our Earth. The scene were pretty beautiful. We could see the whole Earth from the up. While flying down he was singing me Iridescent to me.

"When you were standing in the wake of devastation.
When you were waiting at the edge of unknown.
And with the cataclysm raining down. Insides crying "save me now" You were there impossibly alone.

Do you feel cold and lost in desperation?
You build up hope but failure's all you've known.
Remember all the sadness and frustration and let it go. Let it go.

And in a burst of light that blinded every angel
As if the sky had blown the heavens into stars
You felt the gravity of tempered grace
Falling into empty space
No one there to catch you in their arms.

Do you feel cold and lost in desperation?
You build up hope, but failure's all you've known
Remember all the sadness and frustration
And let it go. Let it go"

This song was describing my whole life now so I got emotional. I started to well up but I sucked my tears in. But a sob got out of my control. "Are you OK Mia?" He asked and we landed in his house's roof. "My whole life was a lie, how can I be OK Chester?" I said. "No Mia Your life is not a lie, please don't say that. Mike, Brad, Dave, Rob, Joe, Your Dad, Your brother and I m here for you. If you are a lie then your dad your brother is too a lie. But NO they are real You are Real. We all love you Mia!!"

So guys what do u think of my fantasy? Do u like it? Ahh I know it was a fanfic but I added a bit of fun n converted it into fantasy.

Have a nice day ahead" - Alexius

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