I...I...I'M NO PAWN!!!

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World manage to get to the factory and block the doorway preventing the Nations from getting inside.

England: Oh no...Not this one again!

Germany:We don't have time for this!

World: You....may have beaten me last time!But Master says I really really can't let you pass this time! (This is my last chance.I need to keep them away or else he'll...)

China: Ai-Yah,there he goes talking to himself again aru.

Russia: I wonder if any other our other selves are just as crazy, Da.

World:*turns back at them* I'm not crazy!!You shall not pass!!!"

America: Ahahahaha!Great Gandalf impression.

World: Shut up!!!

England: Come on,let's just take care of him once again.

And thus the fight begin.

They were barely trying to beat him.In less than two minutes he was down once again.

World: (I...Lost...)Tch.... How does this keep happening...

England: All right,we beat you.Now move.

World: No!

France:Come on don't you have anything better to do?

World: No!

Russia: He's a stubborn one,isn't he?

Germany: Someone just finish him off already,it would be easy to do.

World: (Now that hurt...Am I really replaceable like Master said?) No,it wont!

England: We already beat you pretty bad and we are barely trying. What makes you think it wouldn't be that hard for us to kill a pawn?

World: A...what?

England then got angry and yell at him...

England: A pawn,someone being used and easily disposable. That's what you are!

World then felt tears falling from his eyes. But the Nations didn't see them.

World: I'm....I'm not that! I'm......important! I'm......

France: You're World,right?For such a high name,you certainly don't act it.Being a weak stubborn coward.

World: I'm....

China: Ai-Yah,you guys. Lay off,he's just trying to do his job, aru.

America: He's right.Don't be so harsh.

Germany: But he's wasting our time,we could be using to save the others, and more importantly Italy.

World:(I'm...I'm important...) I....I....

World's eyes glowed red.

World: I'M NO PAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Nations stared in shock as the boy yelled.

Then to their surprise, he begin to cry...

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