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Is it all a lie?
Or is it just a game?
Because, if it is,
I don't want  to play.

I'm scared that you don't like me
And I'm not quite sure why
I feel like I'm annoying;
A little pesky fly...

You make me feel so stupid
But you make me feel so small
And when I'm insecure,
That's really all I want

I even said I love you
That really means a lot...
Maybe you don't think so,
But my love can't just be bought.

Maybe love's too strong a word,
Cause we're just two dumb kids
I should just stop talking here
Before I cause a ridge

In everything we have,
But is it even 'we'?
You're just so goddamn cute
That I want to believe

I want to believe
That it's all in my head
And I've done this before
Because I'm such a mess

And once I leave,
I'll miss you.
I'll want to come
Crawling back.

I really should just ask, though...
And how hard is that?

In Which I Write Overly Personal Things For The InternetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora