Chapter 4

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Cooper's POV:

"Detention. Afterschool. With me, for one month."

I gaped at him. He cant be serious! One month of detention? For sleeping in class? This dude was crazy.

"Listen, Mr. S. I know what I did was wrong and Im sorry. It wont happen again, but dont you think a month is a little long?"

"Oh, Im sorry. I didnt know you were the teacher. Because I believe the teacher make these decisions. So tell me, Mr. Ryan. Are you the teacher."

I looked down, blushing, and mumbled a low 'no'. Sadly he just wouldnt let it go.

"What was that, MR. Ryan?" He said, putting emphasis on the mister part.

"No, Im not the teacher."

"That's what I thought. Now if your done argueing, would you allow me to teach?"

I glared at him. "Yes." I said through clenched teeth.

He smirked at me and looked at the rest of the class who were trying, but failing, to hold in their laughter at my suspense. I glared at them all. Stupid jerks. I turned to look at Jesse who was silent through the whole ordeal and glared at him too.

He looked at me innocently. "What?"

"Why didnt you wake me up?"

His mouth dropped open and he looked at me in shock. "Cause I didnt want you to hit m like last time I tried to wake you up. You remember that, dont you?"

I growled at him but didnt answer, knowing he was right.

"Now if you are all down talking and SLEEPING in my class, id like to begin, I told you today would be the day you can ask me questions because yesterday I got to know all of you, but you didnt get to learn about me. So I would like to give you all a chance. Is there any questions anyone has for me?" Mr. S said as he leaned against his desk.

A dozen hands shot up and I rolled my eyes as I noticed most of them were either really stupid, wannabe class clowns or bimbo blonde skanks who wanted attention. Mr. S called on the head cheerleader.

Oh, this should be good.

"Are you single, Mr.S?" She said in a husky voice that I guessed she thought made her sound sexy. It didnt.

"Yes I am." As he answered, Mr. S looked directly at me and smirked, throwing in a wink. Flirt.

When he didnt elaborate, she leaned forward in her seat and her top 'magically' inched down, showing off more cleavage.

"Would you like to change that?"

"Actually, yes I would. I have someone in mind too."

Her face lit up and she looked at the other girls arrogantly. The dumb hoe thought he meant her. HA!

"Well, who is she?"

"I would love to answer your question, but you already asked 2 and I believe its someone elses turn."

She frowned, but didnt comment as almost all the other girls in the class and some of the boy's hands flew into the air. One guess as to what question they were gonna ask. (The question was 'who is the girl he wanted to date')

Mr. S called on a quiet girl in the front row who I barely knew.

"What is your real name? We only know you as Mr. S."

"My name is Hunter Stone, but Id rather be called Mr. S. Mr. Stone is my father."

Many girls giggled hysterically at the joke, but I rolled my eyes. That joke was so old it wasnt even funny.

The question continued, but nothing important. The subject of his single life was dropped. The questions included stuff like:

"What's your favorite color?"
"Why do you teach health?"
"What kind of music do you listen to?"
"Why are you a teacher?"

He answered all the questions honestly and then the bell rang. I gathered up my stuff and turned to Jesse, but he was already speeding out the room. I went to follow but an all to familiar voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Where do you think your going, Cooper?" Mr. S said arrogantly. I sighed. Oh right. Detention.

I walked over to the front desk and sat down dramatically while I waited for the people to leave. The dumb blonde who asked the very first question stayed behind.

Oh great. Live entertainment.

Her skirt was incredibly short and her top was super low and she waited until everyone was gone, but me, her and Mr. S. She seductively propped her body on his desk and leaned in close to him.

"So.. Hunter. I was wondering if you wanted to get a bite to eat later tonight. We could go to a club, then go back to the pack house and have a little.... extra fun." She purred before leaning in and winking. Hunter? Pack house? What?

I felt a flash of jelousy as I watched this all, obviously forgotten. I wanted to go over there and throw her ass out of the room before climbing over the desk to have my wicked way with Hunter. Lean over his body and run my hands over those hard muscles. I shifted uncomfortably as my pants got suspiciously tighter.

Damn imagination.

But then I remembered I had no hold on Hunter and he could talk to, flirt with, touch, or bang anyone he wanted. This sucks.

So I just sat there and waited for him to take the offer and let me go home early so he could leave with whats-her-name.

Instead he got up from his chair and loomed over her while shaking his head. "Never again, Jessica. I've found my mate and he is my heart now. Please leave now."

I sat there shocked. Mate? What the hell? This isnt Australia....

"Oh come on," Jessica wheedled as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Stop being jelous, I told myself, he isnt yours! "You know you want me and she can wait. I can be your mate, I bet Im way prettier."

Hunter started to look mad. "You are not my mate and you never will be. My mate is gorgeous and HE is everything I could possibly want."

"He? Wat the hell are you talking about? You mean she.... right?"

"No, Jessica. I mean he."


"No buts. I ant you to leave. NOW." Hunter's voice got angry and loud, demanding obedience and Jessica blanched.

Ye-Yes, Alpha."

She scurried out the door scared and I nearly laughed, but then I remembered what Hunter had said.



OMG!!!! Alpha! Dun, dun, dun. What a sexy beast right? When he get all demanding and harsh with Jessica. Oh ya :) So what do you think happened? Why didnt Hunter notice Cooper was in the room? Did he know and just wanted him to find out the hard way? Or what? Comment with what you think  :D

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