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Was it really necessary for Haylei to go to high school now after so many years of homeschooling? She had gotten quite accustomed to her mother’s style of teaching and the freedom homeschooling had afforded her. She was almost certain she would not be given such freedom at school.

“Mom, really? Do I really have to?” Haylei asked for what felt like the hundredth time. Her mom gave a loud sigh.

“Honey, we’ve been over this a hundred times,” she said with an exasperated look at Haylei. Well, at least she wasn’t the only one that thought so, “your father decided that it’s time that you go have some fun among people of your own age while learning. Besides, you know we have to work more often to…afford a certain lifestyle.”

Haylei opened her mouth to say something but closed it again, grabbing an apple from the fridge and chewing it. She knew a useless argument when she saw one.

“Have fun in school sweetie!”

Haylei looked at her mom as though she was crazy, which no one could deny she probably was, gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed out the door towards her new school. Even though she had moved with her family for the new school term to Newton City – which was ironic as there weren’t that many buildings and it wasn’t as bustling as the name ‘city’ would imply – she was quite capable of walking there on her own as her mother took the opportunity to point out her new school every time they passed it.

She reached the double doors of Saint Maria’s High School before the first bell had even rung even though she had taken her time getting there. Haylei shuffled past the lingering students with her head down to the secretary’s office. The less attention she brought to herself, the better. After introducing herself to the plump lady at the front desk, Haylei was escorted to her first class. Chemistry.

A few words were passed between the Chemistry teacher and the secretary while Haylei stood awkwardly behind them, watching students take their seats.

“Everyone, listen up!” the teacher called in a booming voice while the secretary left, “this is our newest student, Haylei Yorke and I expect you to at least be nice to her in my class. Take a seat dear,” he added to Haylei. So much for not bringing attention to herself.

Haylei raced to the farthest lab table at the back, avoiding eye contact with anyone. She sat down quickly and tried to pay attention to the teacher’s voice but she only caught a few words like ‘acids’, ‘bases’, ‘neutralization’ and ‘end-point’. Maybe tomorrow she would be able to keep up when the reality that she was actually in high school sank in.

“Hey there!” a way-too-eager voice came from Haylei’s left. She turned quickly, startled by the sound, to face a boy with dark hair and chocolate brown eyes looking at her with a wide grin.

“I’m Miles. And you are?”

“Haylei. Haylei Yorke,” Haylei replied, wishing more than anything that she could disappear.

“You, Haylei Yorke, are a gorgeous girl indeed,” Miles said blatantly, making Haylei look away.

After forty-five minutes of class, all Haylei was able to take away from it was that an acid and a base produced a salt and water. She really would have to convince her parents that high school was a bad idea.

“Hey, what class do you have next?” It was Miles.

“Umm, English Literature,” Haylei replied, consulting her timetable.

“You’re in luck, Ms. Yorke, because that happens to be my next class as well!”


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2011 ⏰

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