Jealousy ( Part 1)

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"Chat look out!!", LadyBug yelled as fire was shot from Burner, the akumatized villain (which I made up...) who was once a respected fireman, from his hose. Instead of water it shot fire, he was terrorizing Paris, burning everything up. Chat noticed the flames behind him, just a few meters away from him. He managed to dodge the flames. LadyBug ran towards him.

"Don't let the fire touch you, or otherwise you'll be no more than ashes!" , LadyBug warned him. "Thanks My lady, I'll keep that in mind", Chat spoke, turning round and round his staff. 

NOTE: Is it called a staff? Correct me if I'm wrong please

A beeping noise was heard on Chat's miraculous, meaning he only has a few time till he de-transforms. "We need to get his akuma quickly!!", Chat yelled. LadyBug nodded and used her lucky charm. 

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LadyBug and Chat Noir fist bumped, they had finally freed the man and the akuma from evil. Then they jumped to a hotel's rooftop, It was quite high. "Finally, we defeated him,although it was pretty easy as always.", LadyBug stated. "And... thank you Chat for stalling him. It was pretty tough to do something else behind his back.", LadyBug continued. 

"Does this mean I can get a victory Kiss?", Chat asked leaning towards LadyBug to kiss her but, LadyBug stopped him from doing so. "Hold your whiskers there kitty...", LadyBug said backing up a bit.

A beep was heard from both of their miraculouses. "Well we better go, if not we'll de-transform into our former selves and I don't want to see that", LadyBug said as she threw her yoyo  grabbing a pole that was above another rooftop. "Wait!", Chat called out. "I uuh... please... I won't tell anyone who you are", Chat continued. 

"Hmmm let me think... Nope!", LadyBug laughed as she left from one rooftop to another. Eventually she got out of sight leaving Chat Noir all by himself. "One day I'll get your love LadyBug... one day", Chat spoke to himself chuckling at the end.  He jumped in an alley where no one was around to  de-transform.

As soon as he did he verified his surroundings and left the alley. Now as adrien. When he was passing by the park, he spotted Marinette running by quickly to the bakery her parents own. But Adrien quickly stopped her. "Hey Marinette what's up?", Adrien called making Marinette stop on her tracks.

Marinette turned around. Joyful that he called her out but scared to tremble on her words like always. "O-oh hi A-adrien!", Marinette smiled nervously. 

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng will you be my girlfriend?", Adrien said. "Yes...", Marinette said dreamily.

"Marinette? Marinette?...", Adrien said waving his hands in front of her face snapping her out of her trance. "O-oh.. huh?", Marinette said now back to reality."It was just my imagination...", Marinette said looking down. "What was?", Adrien asked. "No-nothing! nothing! hehe", Marinette quickly answered. 

"So uh, what did you ask me?", Marinette spoke. "If  you could please remind me what was left for homework, I tried calling Nino but he wouldn't answer.", Adrien said. "Oh uh, yeah s-sure. Page 130. from our quem- I mean... geography textbook", Marinette replied. "Thanks, see ya tomorrow at school", Adrien said walking off. Marinette waved and ran back in the bakery up to her room. 

Plopping herself to her bed. Her Kwami getting out of her purse. "What's wrong marinette?", Tikki's sweet voice questioned. "Oh Tikki it's just that... everytime I see Adrien the world starts spinning around me and I can't manage to say sentence without stuttering.", Marinette sighed. "I can't bare to think that he thinks of me as a weird girl.", Marinette continued. "Oh Marinette you worry too much, It's been a busy day. You might as well get some rest for tomorrow.", Tikki stated, comforting poor Marinette.

.:Miraculous LadyBug:.~ LadyNoir/ Adrienette / Marichat / Ladrien; One-Shots~Where stories live. Discover now