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                   (AN) Okay this is probably going to be pretty tragic and I apologize for that in advance, but hopefully it will improve with time.               

Ameliorate(noun); make something bad or unsatisfactory, better.

Aria's POV

It was the rainiest May ever, but it didn't compare to the month before. Something about 2016 just seems so dismal, drowned, depressing, but I'm not sure if it's the weather or that my life has self destructed in front of my eyes. Either way, it is terrible.

I pull my hood closer to my face in hope to keep what little makeup I'd been able to scrape out of the bottom of year old bottles and palettes on. Some of the faux fur falls out into my hand and I throw it to the floor, used to the regular occurrence . My quality expectance can't exactly be high when it's from a charity shop.

I peer into the window of my local newspaper shop, and sigh at the headlines.




I hate pop culture, overrated celebrities get too much money for a talent they don't even possess because they are what society condemns as attractive. It sickens me.

I start to walk away from the money grabbing headlines and the familiar tune rings in my back pocket. I pull my phone out and frantically try to slide the green 'answer' button across the screen. I cuss under my breath, sick of the four year old iPhone and it's cracked, faulty screen. After almost 20 attempts, the button finally cooperates and I place my phone to my ear.

"Hey doll, it's me, Denise from the White Hen pub," She takes a second to cough allowing me to hear the 25 years of smoke buildup in her lungs. I recoil into myself, feeling disgusted by the sound. "Sorry about that, darling."

"Do you have the payments for my gig two weeks ago yet? I'm low on cash and I need this money." I cross my fingers in a hope she will say that's what she called for.

"Not exactly honey, but I do have kind of repayment," My fingers quickly uncross and I feel my mood deflate as I ask what it is. "My cousin happens to be the wife of Harry Styles' manager, and she may be able to get you a stable, high paying job, isn't that exciting!"

"Depends what it is," I tell her bluntly. I'm not being dragged into anything weird or frisky. I don't trust these boyband freaks.

"Look, I've gotta go, Johnny needs me, he's started to learn how to climb and he's got up to the beer pumps. A tip from me to you, don't have kids. I will text you the details soon," and she hangs up.

Rolling my eyes, I shove my phone back into my pocket, and continue on my journey to nowhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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