The Wimpy One

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How to survive Supply Teachers (One: the Wimpy One)

'Supply' teachers, or 'cover' teachers, or even 'substitute' teachers; whatever they call themselves, they need to be treated with caution. So here's my little guide to help you identify the different breeds, and the strategies you need to deal with them.

The Wimpy one

You can spot these before they even put a foot in the playground. They are usually young, they look terrified and they wear AWFUL clothes. The sort of clothes your gran would wear.

It's easy to deal with the Wimpy Ones. Just ignore them and they quickly learn who is boss (not them). By the end of the day, if they are still there, they will usually be cowering behind a desk. Try to con them into giving you lots of chocolates and rewards for not being too horrible.

Dangers: Might be a grass and complain to your head of year. Never let them work out your real name.

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