Day 1

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Hey guys I'm Ava and today is my first day at Fandom High, to be honest I never thought my parents would let me come here, but, it took a little.....ok a lot of convincing. I love to read so this school should be a piece of cake, hopefully, I mean I pay close attention to my books, I mean a whole wall of my room is just books. But let's cut to my day because it was, well interesting.

The school literally looked like Hogwarts, and it was AMAZING! People looked like me, nerdy, and I mean there were some HOT fanboys that girls must be all over. As I walked into the school it smelled like a library, and looked well magical. On the inside it looked like the New York Institute, which again was amazing. I found my way to the front office and asked the lady for my schedule.

"Ah yes you're  Ava the new girl, well welcome to Fandom High hope you enjoy it here."

"Thank you miss I will."

My schedule 8 classes, al least they are all what I wanted.
Ava Locwood-Locker 254 Combination 13-44-2
Home room-The Hunger Games-Mr.Smalls Room 33
Class 2-The Maze Runner-Mr.Dobbs Room 57
Class 3-Divergent-Miss.Prince Room 10
Class 4-The Mortal Instruments/ Infernal Devices-Ms.Baxter Room 22
Class 5-Gym-Mr.Ross Room 3
Lunch-Room 5
Class 6- The Walking Dead-Mrs.Call Room 34
Class 7-Percy Jackson and The Olympians/Heroes of Olympus-Miss.Maxum Room 29

"Alright let's find room 33" I say to myself. After about 5 minutes I find the room, and to my luck I'm late. The first class of my first day, of course.

"Miss.Locwood right, you're late" he says sternly, I can tell this class won't be fun.

"Yes sir I'm sorry it's my first day and I was looking for the room, it won't happen again I promise." I reply calmly, because this teacher already pisses me off, like I'm new lay off.

"Fine since you're new I'll allow it just this once, but you should know that we take our classes very seriously and we don't like interruptions, we were just about to start."

"Yes sir thank you I'll remember that." Geez seriously how can I interrupt if you haven't even started yet, but I kept that thought to myself. "Um where do I sit?"

"You can sit next to Miss.Taylor there." He pointed next to a girl with curly brown hair, and she wore huge nerd glasses. She had on a t-shirt with a mocking jay on it, and a pair of leggings with UGGS, typical, I thought. Here I am wearing skinny jeans, blue Converse, and a gray crop top with a flannel around my waist.

"Ok thank you again, I promise no more interruptions."

"Good, alright class lets get started." He replied cheerfully, like what he can actually be happy. I rolled my eyes and tried not to chuckle on my way to my seat. I sat down and to be honest the class went past pretty quickly, we talked about the first book and how the characters devolved in it, I didn't think they devolved that much but I guess I was wrong. I also got homework, I mean I know I came to school a month later than everyone but, ugh, it was a paper we had to write on the first book, luckily it's not due until next week.

*Ring* *Ring*

Thank gods, saved by the bell. I went to go look for my next class The Maze Runner, not my favorite but anything must be better than Mr.Smalls. Boy was I wrong. This lady had a voice that was like nails on a chalkboard, and she won't stop talking. This girl had her hand raised for at least 20 minutes and didn't even get called on, I seriously wanted to walk out and see what would happen, but I knew better than that. We didn't even talk about the book, just the movies, which I haven't even seen, so it made no sense, I almost regretted taking this class. But once again I was saved by the bell thank gods. And yeah I forgot to mention I say gods because I mean why not.

My next class was a little better, we were talking about each of the factions and their differences, which I loved, we even categorized ourselves into factions, mine was Candor. I met some nice people a girl named Sammy, she had short red hair and gray eyes, and was covered in freckles, I mean covered. Then there was Kammie who had blue and white hair in a French braid, and she had plain brown eyes. They were the ones that placed me in my faction. After we finished that we just got to talk with each other, I guess Sammy doesn't even like reading that much she just took this class because there wernt enough of the band fandoms. But Kammie, she might even love reading more than me, and that's a lot. Luckily she had the next class with me so I had someone to show me around better.

Ah The Mortal Instruments, one of my favorites. And this teacher was the bomb, she had posters lining her room and quotes written on her board, I could tell this will be on of my best classes, cause you could say I'm fluent in Shadowhunter. In this class we got to read the Shadowhunter Codex, even though I read it like a bazillion times. In pretty much a Shadowhunter already. This class went super fast and to be honest I wish it was longer because I love this series.

        Next up gym. I love sports, so this will be easy. The coach looks like a rapist and to be honest I don't trust him he was walking behind the girls throughout gym. It didn't help that our gym uniforms were shorts and t-shirts. It sucks.  The class seemed to go on forever mainly because we were just running around the track outside. Next up was lunch, another one of my favorites. I had no ideas where to sit though, because sadly Kammie had lunch after me. Luckily this group of kids  invited me to sit with them. There were 5 people 2 girls and 3 guys. Kimberly had long, and I mean long ombré hair and purple, freaking purple eyes, and her boyfriend Tony had black hair and blue eyes. Sonya had a blond pixie cut with brown eyes, and then there were the twins Cory and Cooper, they both had brown hair and brown eyes, but they were kinda cute, what makes it worse is that they're identical so I won't date them because it's like I'd be dating his brother and that would be weird. Lunch ended quickly, sadly it was shorter than the rest of my classes.

I hurried down to my next class The Walking Dead. This show is my favorite show in the entire world. I watch every episode at least 10 times so I'm pretty educated on it. During the class we talked about what's happened during Season 6 and let me tell you that season messed with my emotions, I mean Glenn almost died, Maggie's pregnant and freaking Alexandria fell apart, like way to shatter my heart AMC. Our homework for this class was to research our favorite character, mine is Glenn, and write down some stuff about them. Ha EASY. I could get that down in 10 minutes flat.

Final class my all time favorite the Percy Jackson series. Those books messed with my life both mentally and physically, because I can't control myself when I read them. I won't deny that I cried more than enough times during those books. But back to the class. We were talking about the Greek Gods and their powers or whatever you call them. And we had no homework for this class, so I only have 1 thing I need to do tonight. YES! As soon I class ended I ran to my locker so I could get home. My first day was eventful and hopefully it will get better and better, because I am finally at Fandom High.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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