Aliens Exist

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Another field observation trip. I pack my camping things for the weekend, slapping bag, tent, all the other essentials. I grab my telescopes, note pad, and cameras, making sure I can collect any data I need.

I set out into the empty field, a few miles from civilization. The area was abandoned completely, not even an animal found here anymore.

It was terrifying in way. There was no one to call if something happened, no decent cell service, and not another person for a good 10 miles.

At the same time it was kind of cool, the idea that I was completely alone. I was safe but also in complete danger. There was no one and nothing that could hurt me, unless my subjects take a visit and turn out violent.

Even if there was an axe murderer on the loose around here, I'd die in a comfortable bed of corn while doing the things I love.

I get my tent and things ready for the night, it was approaching so quickly and I needed to be prepared. I sang as I worked, it eased me up a bit. Singing was always used as a way for me to escape the terrific idea of life itself. Distraction is what keeps us all sane.

The sun was setting fast and my camp was almost set up. I just had to start a fire.

I grabbed leaves and things, though I always bring my own fire wood. I grab some matches and let the flames begin to roar. The fire cracking was the only sound.

Hours passed and I still saw nothing. I took notes whenever I though I may have seen a simple movement but it had to be just my eyes. It's was nearing 4 a.m. now and I decided to sleep.

I was climbing into my tent when I though I heard something. I go outside, grabbing my pocket knife and seeing what has going on.

The sound was getting closer, coming from the west and I began to get nervous. I could hear more properly now and I know that sound. It was too familiar.

Gun shots.

I ran behind a bush but I couldn't make it in time.

I was shot.

The bullet hit my leg and it hurt like hell. The blood was coming out so fast and I couldn't move from the pain.

I scream for help but nothing was gonna help. I've got nobody out here to help me.

I'm gonna die.

After close to 5 minutes, the pain became unbearable.
I blacked out.


I woke up. The place was different. The setting was off, it was bright and everything was strange.

I couldn't walk all that well, but I looked down to see that someone had patched me up. I wonder how I got here and who did that.

The color of things here were different. The shape of the plant life was different. I've gotta figure out where I am.

I walk down the dirt road and I see a city approaching. I go as fast as I can to see what happened.

I see some people. Everyone is staring at me. Their skin tone and hair was unnatural. They were all so pale and they didn't look like the people back home.

I ran though the city, everything was wrong. I got taken away from my home.

I go to what looked like a hospital. The language if this place wad the same but the people are different.


I go into the hospital and the strange life form takes my information. She tells me to wait and says that a person will be there to help my injury.

A nurse pushed me into a room and made me change into a stupid gown thing. She told me a doctor would be in soon.


A doctor was in about an hour later. She picked up my file and looked through my information.

A shocked look appeared on her face and she dropped her clip board.

"No no, it can't be. They found him" the doctor said, her voice quiet and shaky.

"What's happening? What hsppened!"

The doctor ran out of the room.

What happened to me. What did I do. Where the hell am i.

Questions were running through my head so fast.

The doctor came back in with a group of people. The same ones will the pale skin and the strange colored hair.

"Thomas," the doctor said more calmly than before. "This is your family."

"No! It can't be. I have a family back home!"

I started pulling at the things they stuck in me and started getting out.

Restraints were brought it.

"Tom, we have something to tell you." The doctor took a deep breath. Whatever she's gonna say can't be good.

"You were abducted 26 years ago when you were only 2 years old. Everyone thought you were desd. They spent years searching. Tom, you are home."

"I can't be, that's a lie! I live on Jansic! This planet isn't where I belong!" I was crying now. These people didn't understand.

"Tom!" The doctor yelled. "This is your real home. This is where you were born. This is Earth."

I was crying alot now. This is why I never looked like the others back in Jansic. This is why they constantly were giving me shots and taking blood tests.

This is my home. I look like these people.

The people that were my family swarmed around me Snr hugged me. The I assumed was my mother smiled with tears running down her face.

"We missed you so much, Tom. Welcome home."

Aliens Exist. Tom DeLonge Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now