Chapter Nine ; Unsettled Story

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*Authors Note*
Thank you so much for reading 😘 Please comment ideas , that'd be cool to get people involved in the story . I'll try and update whenever I can . Okay note over , story time*

*Jinxx's point of view*
     Jake , Andy and CC trudged carefully back onto the bus , they were drunk off their heads. In a way it was somewhat hilarious , due to CC attempting to make out with a lamp post. However , in most ways I was just worried Incase any of them decided to try and make a move on Luna. I , on the other hand , remain utterly sober. I decided to not drink for a while , like a detox . We have our first UK Tour date tomorrow and I don't want a headache- that'd be awful, completely awful.
     I was snapped out of my thoughts as we stepped on the bus , Jake , CC and Andy passed out on the floor , Luna was asleep on the sofa , but I could hear muffled crying.  This lead me so confused, Ash? He's the only one out of view.
     I walked up the cold stairs carefully , making sure to not wake anybody, I didn't particularly want a drunk Andy chasing me around the bus. The crying continued as I got to the top of the stairs , I walked slowly up to Ash's bunk and undid his curtain. Immediately he was revealed , crying black tears from his eyeliner , hugging a pillow , hidden up in a thick duvet with his back facing me. He was clutching a small piece of paper.
    'Ash', I said his name sympathetically , with honestly no idea what's bothering him, I do worry though , he's like a brother.
    'Oh shit , back already eh?', he replied miserably , clearly no energy left. He wiped his smudged eyes with the sleeves of an old , sleeved chewed hoodie.
     'Ash what's happened? You can tell me it's okay. I'm sober dude'
    'Um Jinxx I don't know.  It's kind of personal, I don't know what to do' and with that last sentence he said he burst out into tears once again. I hugged him to comfort him , he hugged me back without question, clearly broken.
    He pulled away from the hug and invited me to sit down to talk to him. I climbed up into his bunk and we sat opposite each other.
   'Jinxx , do you remember me saying , years ago , how I said I had a sister, yet nobody would believe me?'
  'Yeah , yeah ash , I remember'
   'I , I , I think ...' And with that he handed me a note , the note from his hand .
It was in his same scrawny handwriting , scribbled along the page. I understand he has a sister but , I don't understand what he means by it now.
    'Jinxx , I found it in ... Lunas pyjama pocket'
    I fell silent , I looked over at her bunk and realised he must of changed the sheets and stuff , Harry Potter.
   'So , Luna , your saying?'
    'She's my sister , Jinxx she's my baby sister! I left her alone when she was so young, with mum. On her own!' He was broken. So incredibly broken'.
     That night Ash fell asleep pretty soon after we spoke , I decided to be mature and responsible and not tell the other guys until tomorrow morning. It's Ash's news to tell her. Luna and Ash need to talk about it. Perhaps she could stay with us? For longer ?

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