Chapter 1

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Aimee's POV

"AIMEE LOUISE JOHNSON WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME I HAD TO COME ALL THE WAY TO YOUR HOUSE AND BEG YOUR MUM TO LET ME IN TO SEE YOU ONLY TO FIND YOU ACTUALLY ARE ALIVE?" My best friend Jess screamed at me from my bedroom door. I turned to look at her in questioning as to why she was here and so mad at me when I remembered what day it was... Tyler's anniversary, I'd promised to say something at his memorial service today and when I checked the time I realised how much shit I was in. 3:36pm my alarm clock read, I had less than 2 hours to get ready and be at the park.  I screamed jumping up and running to my wardrobe, I was in the middle of hunting down an outfit suitable for Tyler when I started my rambling apologies to Jess. "FUCK JJ I'M SO SORRY! I totally forgot, well I didn't forget so much as thought it was next Wednesday and Oh my God Jess I haven't taken the time to mentally prepare and I know I said I would be at yours and help you out this morning with the flowers but I just- it completely slipped my mind. it's just I've been so caught up in college and studying that it has taken over my life almost and- why are you laughing at me?" I stopped mid rant when I heard soft, stifled giggles coming from the corner of my room, I just stared at Jess, holding my dress in one hand and a pair of matching shoes in another, waiting for a response as to how suddenly I'm hilarious. By this time Jess was in a full blown fit of laughter and I was yet to find out why.

"AHSDFGAHA-it's just-ahaha-you have a bra caught on your hair and when you were rambling I saw your laptop-asdfgkhaha Aims how is studying related to Harry Style's fanfics???"  She had sort of composed herself by now and in the time it had taken her to get all of that out without laughing I'd managed to hunt down my speech and was now staring at it, hoping it was good enough for him. Jess noticed I had zoned out a little as she became serious bossy JJ and sent me into the shower warning me of an impending death if I was in there longer than 15 minutes as well as the promise of me being able to see my bedroom floor again when she was done with it. So with that I turned on the shower,  allowing the water to heat up whilst I collected all of my essentials for my hair and body. Once I'd collected everything I stripped off and got in the deliciously hot shower and tried to compose myself and prepare for the incredibly long evening Ii was about to endure.

After deciding my legs were shaved enough to perfection and my hair smelt as much like cherries as I could manage I got out of the shower, moisturised my body and wrapped my hair up in a towel I got into my dress and heels and left the bathroom, gaining approvals from both my mum who had helped Jess and Jess herself who instantly sat down with my hair and started drying it with the hairdryer, as she was doing this I took out my makeup bag and applied my usual cosmetics, bb cream, concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. After deciding my makeup was acceptable and not too much I focused on Jess and my hair only to see it had been dried and straighted to perfection with a long and thin plait hanging down. 

Once we were both ready it was now 4:40pm and we had just enough time to call a cab and make our way to the park and meet everybody there, I was trying my hardest to compose myself and only hoped I could make it through the evening without shedding a tear..


Damn I'm shit at ending chapters... sorry guys!!

~word count: 704 words

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