Mom and Dad.

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I just arrived home from hanging out with Shy. I had only been home for 10 minutes before Grant arrived. He brought dinner so we were currently sitting at the table eating Chinese. We were contentedly eating our food in silence. I decided to go ahead and tell Grant my answer.

"So....I decided to move to Greece."

A grin grew into a contagious smile. "Really? You really want to move?"

I returned his smile "Yes, I really do. This is my dream. I shouldn't be afraid to go after it. So, yes I am going to move."

"Your going to love it there and love the job even more." He said taking my hand is his.

"I hope so. I have to admit I am a little scared to be doing this, but I won't know if this is right until I try it."

"Exactly. So, what all do you need to do before you go?"

"Well I have to break the news to my parents. I am not looking forward to that at all, then I have to go online and find a place to live, pack up, ship everything over and transfer my money."

"I'll call my mom and she can find you a good place to call home and I'll hire someone to pack for you and ship your things over. As for the bank we can make you an international bank account that you can use anytime and anywhere while traveling. They have several bank locations through Europe.'

Normally it would bother me that someone would take over and do things for me but since he has had experience with moving around alot oversees and knows everything that it intels. I was willing to overlook his take charge attitude. For now.

"Thank you, I appreciate your help."

"My pleasure." He said with a wink. "I'll pick up plain tickets tomorrow."

"When do you want to leave?" I asked.

"I hope to get tickets to leave on Friday. Do you think you can have everything ready by then?"

It was Monday so that gave me 4 days to get everything packed.

"Yeah I should be ready by then. I don't have much to take over. Do you think your mother can find a place that is furnished? I hate to take this old furniture over there, it's already falling apart and I am sure it wouldn't handle the move well."

"Yes, she will take care of it. She has excellent taste."

"Great." I said somewhat lamely.

 Grant must have noticed my lack of enthusiasm  be cause asked if anything was wrong.

Might as well be honest. "If everything goes according to fates design. I'll become immortal. I am afraid to lose my family. I don't want this to be the last time I see them. "

"Who said you would never see your family again?"

"Well, I assumed since I would never age I would have to fake my death or something so they wouldn't find out."

"Avanya, you don't have to fake your death.After we join you will have the power to glamour. All you have to do is put up a glamour to make you age with each passing year that way they will never know. You can see them as often as you like until it is their time to leave this world and after a time then you will have to pretend to do the same."


"Some do cut all ties but most pretend to let time pass as it should and use that time to cherish what they have left with their families."

"I choose the former. I want to see them as much as I can."

"Good. Now that your mind is at ease." He pushed our food aside and came around the table to pick me up. "Why don't I take you to your room and help you relax?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2013 ⏰

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