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The Host Club made there way down to the soccer field, Mori carrying Honey on his back.

Haruhi looked up at him with a large smile on her face. Instead of her normal uniform, along with everyone else in the Club, she was wearing a custom made soccer uniform. "You know Mori-senpai, I think that it's great that you're doing this to get a short break from the Host Club." She then nodded over to Tamaki, who had about twenty girls fawning over him and asking about how long that he's played soccer. "Even though that'll never be able to happen with him around."

Mori nodded slightly with a slight smile creeping across his face to acknowledge Haruhi's last remark.

Honey, who was on Mori's shoulders, began to giggle and laugh, using Mori's head as a drum. "Come on Haru-chan! Tama-chan is just trying to help cheer Mori on!"

As if his name was a cue for him to talk, Tamaki began to get into his 'lecture' mode and politely shooed all of the girls that were around him away. "Why, yes, Honey, that is EXACTLY right! Haruhi, dear, you also need to understand that the Club is going to need to expand itself, you see. We need to build upon different genres to keep the ladies happy!"

"In other words, we're just lying to them for more popularity?"

"Of course! Wait.....what?"

Kyoya chuckled, looking up slightly from  his clipboard. "Daddy, I think that our Haruhi has you backed up in a little corner."

Tamaki's face turned a deep shade of red, "W-well..."

Haruhi shrugged, "Listen, it's not a big deal. I'm just pulling your leg." She would have continued, but they'd finally reached the bleachers.

Mori sat Honey down on the bleachers, giving a slight wave to the Host Club. "I'll be back in a little bit." He said as he left to the field, where the team captain awaited everyone with a smirk on his face.

The Athletic Type ((OHSHC fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now