part 3

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" Arthur i ugh i know i messed up I'm sorry really i love you so much Artie. I never meant to make you feel like this I'm sorry come here," Alfred begged opening his arms in inviting. Arthur hesitated but was really to vulnerable to deny any sort of comfort, especially from Alfred. He crawled into his boyfriend's lap and buried his face in Alfred's chest. Alfred wrapped his arms around him and kissed the top of Arthur's head.
" I'm sorry," he mumbled again. Arthur nodded, but Alfred could feel the tears wetting the front of his shirt. He pulled back and tipped Arthur's chin up.
" Come on now darling. No more tears you know i hate to see tears in those pretty eyes." Arthur blushed, Alfred knew how to turn the Brit into a mushy pile of goo. Arthur mumbled something and tried to hide his face again.
" what was that darling? And quit trying to hide that pretty face."
" I said, I'm not that pretty." Alfred sighed. Not this again. How many time did he have to tell Arthur, to make love to him before the Brit got it through his thick skull. To Alfred he was the most prettiest thing in the world. Well he is just going to have to show him again. Alfred growled and pushed Arthur onto the bed.

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