Chapter 1- Home

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New Captain Swan FanFic! Enjoy!
A purple flash, a wave of magic soaring through the town, and a strong force sent me falling to the ground.

The impact of my fall obviously hurt, but the sudden worry and dread that started flowing through me when I saw an abundance of forest surrounding me overran all of that pain, and instead filled me with shock.

Where the hell was I?

But more importantly, where was Henry?

I looked around me, only to be met with more forest, and more people who weren't Henry. My newfound motherly instincts started kicking in, and more worry began to overcome me.

"Henry?!" I heard behind me. But knowing who it was, I just rolled my eyes before getting up to face the heinous person who started all this.

"You!" I screamed at Regina, walking over to where she was stumbling trying to stand up. "Where the hell are we? Where's Henry?"

She looked back at me with just as much hate, "If I knew where Henry was, why would I be screaming his name looking for him?!"

"This was your curse! Where are we? And what could have happened to him?"

"I don't know what could have happened to Henry! All I know is that we're back!" She yelled with fury and frustration radiating off her words.

"Back?" I asked, my voice faltering, "Back where?"

"Home," I once again turned behind me, following the voice that belonged to Mary-Margaret.

"Home? You mean..."

"Yes," she answered, "the Enchanted Forest."

The Enchanted Forest. The place Henry would ramble on about for hours upon hours, the place I was supposedly born, the place I was abandoned...

"Well," I said in a quiet voice, "if we all came back here... Why didn't Henry?"

"Because he wasn't born here, dearie." I whipped my head around to where a green, scaly looking beast stood. A beast that slightly resembled a man that had recently betrayed her.

"Gold?" I asked the... thing standing in front of me.

"Surprised?" He asked, "perhaps you should've studied your son's story book when you had the chance."

"And maybe I could do exactly that, if I knew where the book, and my son were at."

"I told you dearie, your son wasn't born here, so he didn't come back."

"Then where the hell is he?" I fumed, forming a now permanent scowl on my face.

Gold sent a humorless chuckle my way and rolled his eyes at whatever I apparently wasn't understanding, "Why, he's in Storybrooke, of course."

"WHAT?!" Regina and I screamed simultaneously.

"Well how do we get him back?!" Regina yelled at Gold.

"You know the answer to that, your majesty," he smirked, "Another dark curse."

Now it was everyone else's turn to yell, "NO!"

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