Chapter 5

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"So what should we do?" I ask as we walk back into Ed's place.
"Whatever you want to do really." He says.
"I seriously have no idea.
"Do you want to go out for dinner later?"
"What am I supposed to wear?"
"Right now, the clothes you wore last night are in the dryer, I think. So after they are done drying I will take you out to get some clothes."
"No Ed. I can't let you do that."
"I insist."
"Yes Alexis."

We leave his flat and we walk to nearest shopping center.
"You can pick whatever store you want." Ed tells me.
"That's too much pressure." I say.
"Fine, we will go... here."
Ed walks over and goes to right in front of the most prestige fancy looking place.
"Ed this looks like a place my grandma would shop at."
"Oh.. I had no clue."
"Of course you didn't." So I walk over to a store that looks more like my style.
"I'm going to go in here."
"Okay, I will wait out here for you."
"You can come in you know" I laugh
"Okay." He says and walks in with me.
We're walking through and I'm looking at different clothes and taking my time and out of the corner of my eye I could see Ed tapping his foot impatiently. Just to mess with him I slowly pulled out two shirts that were the same, but different colors and showed them to him.
"So which one. The red or purple. See the purple one goes with my eyes but the red is my favorite color? Ohh.. Actually no.. How about this shirt? No.... This one! Actually... This one!"
Instead of angrily yelling, Ed looked at me calmly and said, "Which ever one you want, love."
"Ugh fine. Be that way."
So I grab a couple of simple t-shirts and pants. And then a see a cute dress and snatch it quickly before Ed could see what I grabbed and run to the dressing room. I slip off my clothes and zip up the dress. It was a simple black dress but it had cutouts of sheer and part of the top of the dress was also placed with sheer.
"Hey I wanna see what you're trying on!" Ed calls out.
"No it's a surprise." I call back
I quickly change back into my clothes and take all he things from the dressing room and run up to the check out and quickly pay the lady and put in bag before Ed sees what I brought.
"Let me see." He says and tries to take the bag from me.
"No!" I yell.
He sneaks his hand around me near my waist and attempts to steal the bag from me. I move quickly away and I run out the store and he chases after.
"Alexis! Slow down! I won't look in the bag!" He calls out.
I slow down my run and come to a stop and turn to look at Ed as he catches up with me. His eyes then quickly light up with an idea. Ed then attacks me and grabs my wrist attempting to tickle me.
"Ed don't! Don't tickle me!" I say laughing. I burst out laughing as Ed is ticking me in the middle of the shopping center. People are staring and looking but I can't help my outburst of laughter.
"Stop! Stop!" I cry out.
"Alright, love, I will stop."
Why does he keep calling me love?
We leave the shopping center and head back to his flat.
"I can't believe you did that in the middle of the mall and everyone was looking at us!"
"Why should I care what other people think? And neither should you."
I stay silent to that and have no response.
We are waking down the street and I have my head phones in and are in deep thought, when Ed slips his hand into mine. I look at him and he grins widely and then we keep walking.

When we arrive back to his place, I go straight into the bathroom to do my makeup and hair.
"Ed! Do you have a straightener?" I call out.
He walks into the bathroom with a are you serious face.
"Why would I have a straightener?" He questions.
"I don't know, I just thought I would ask. Do you atleast have a comb?"
"I think so.." He fumbles open different drawers until he opens a drawer and pulls out a tiny comb.
"This isn't going to work. My hair is really thick."
"This is all I have."
"No shock. Your hair is crazy. But in a cute way."
He looks at me and says,"You should have bought a brush when we were out."
"I realize that now. Well, hair up it is then."
I pull my hair up into a bun and tie it up. I finish up my makeup and then put on my dress.
"I'm ready to leave" I say as I walk out but Ed is just standing there, staring at me.
"What?" I ask him.
"Nothing. It's just that you look beautiful."
I turn away my face from him, blushing bright red.
"Thanks." I manage to mumble out.
We leave and walk to the restaurant.
We walk into a nice Italian restaurant, and we go into a private part sectioned off.
"Did you reserve this section just for us?" I ask him
"Umm yeah" he says and nervously runs his fingers through his hair.
"Wow." I say
We have a nice time talking about random things, deep emotional things, our favorite things, whatever popped into our heads. I order a giant pasta and eat all myself.
"Wow you ate all of that. You must of been hungry?"
"Are you calling me fat?" I question him, staring at him hardly.
"No of course not. I'm impressed. Most girls will eat nearly nothing."
"Well I'm not most girls."
"You definitely are not. You're one of a kind."
I look up into his deep blue eyes and he looks straight back. It felt like one of those moments when in movies the two lovers share a moment when they look into each other's eyes. I felt a connection with Ed and I'm pretty sure he felt the same way. We finish the meal and pay the check and head out.
"Are we heading back to your place?"
"Not yet. I want to show you something." Ed takes my hand and guides me through different streets until he gets to an abandoned park and takes me to the back where there is a whole set up. There are lights strung up in trees around one area. Hanging from some branches is a giant white sheet and a bit distance a projector. A massive blanket cover the ground and there is a basket sitting on it.
"A film in the park for just me and you." He says.
"Wow Ed this is so pretty. What movie are we watching?"
"I have a couple choices... The Notebook, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, or Singin in the Rain.
"Well as much as I love Singin in the Rain, I think I have to choose the best movie... Star Wars."
"I was secretly hoping you would say that one."
"Really? I thought you would want to watch Jurassic Park."
"Not as much as Star Wars."
Ed puts in the movie and we sit down on the blanket and I scooch closer to Ed as he wraps his arm around me and I snuggle into him. The opening credits of Stars Wars rolls in and I can't resist and shout out the theme song,"BUM BUMMM BA BA BA BUM BUM BA BA BUM BUM BA BUM BUM BUMMM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUMMM!"
Ed bursts out laughing and joins in with me. We sing out the rest of the credits until the movie starts.
"I love this movie." I say
He chuckles, "I see that."
We watch the whole movie and I'm watching intently and several times I see Ed looking at me.
"Pay attention!"
"Sorry" he whispers.


"Well that was fun." I say as we approach the door to his flat.
"Yeah it was." He opens the door and gestures me to walk first.
"After you m'lady"
"Thank you kind sir." I respond and do a little curtsy. I pull of Ed's hoodie he had given me and hung it up and  I turn around to feel lips pressed against mine. His lips are soft and gentle. It's a nice kiss. He pulls away for a moment and then kisses me again only more passionate. Ed's tongue slips in and dances around in my mouth and I respond by doing the same. The kiss grows more passionate and our movements grow quicker. Before I realize, Ed is unzipping my dress and I jump up and wrap my legs around him and he carries me to his bedroom. He plops me onto his bed and he leans over me and pulls off his shirt.
I wake up, realizing quickly that it was a dream. We had never kissed passionately. After the movie we had headed back and I fell asleep right away and had dreamed the whole thing. I glance over at the clock and scramble to get ready for church, nearly forgetting that I was in another country and had no clue where any church was.
"What are you doing?" Ed asks, peeking his head in.
"Getting ready church. Oh yeah by the way. Where's the nearest church?"
"I'll look it up." He responds as he pulls out his phone.  "There's one a couple blocks away at 9:30 so you should leave in 10 minutes to get there on time."
"Wait, aren't you going to go with me?" I ask.
"I haven't been to church in a couple years."
"Well perfect. Then you can go with me."
"I don't know. I'll walk you there and wait for you somewhere."
"Alright, I guess."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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