Kelsey's Party

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  • Dedicated to Talia Castellano- Our Angel

As soon as Maddie pulled up in front of my house In her new car, I knew this night would be memorable. Smiling, I grabbed my purse, said goodbye to Brooke, and hopped into the backseat.
"Hey babes!" Maddie and Kendall yell from the front of the car, "You look FABULOUS!"
"Thanks, but look in the mirror, YOU look gorgeous!" I compliment. They really do, too.

At Kelsey's, the party was already in full swing. The DJ was pumping music, and people were dancing wildly everywhere. People were even in the pool.
"Mads! Kendall! Paigey! You made it!" Kelsey comes towards us on skyscraper stilletos, clutching a cup in her hand.
"Josh couldn't come, he is very sorry, but great setup!" Maddie smiles, before being pulled into the crowd of dancers, followed by Kendall. I'm about to speak to Kelsey, when my friend Georgina grabs me and pulls me outside.
"Paigey! You look gorgeous! How about coming for a swim with me?" She bats her long lashes.
"I don't have a swim suit!" I answer, then I catch the look in her eyes.
"Um, underwear, silly!" She takes off her dress. I roll my eyes, but follow suit. It's not like I haven't swam in underwear before! We hold hands, and plunge into the water.
"Eeeeeeeee!" We squeal.
"Hey, hottie Hyland, wanna dance?" Someone calls out.
"Thanks, but no thanks!" I call back, giggling with Georgina. Heaps more people come out, and i feel like I'm on display. I laugh and talk and dance and show off, and suddenly I have a great idea. Flips. I hop out of the pool and Ariel back in, to many cheers. I get out again, and do a backflip into the water.

In a instant, I stop playing up. Why do I do this? Why do I put up with the jeers and cheers? I feel pressured, unsure of who I really am.

You're Paige Hyland.  I try to convince myself.

But you are considered a "slut". A sob catches in my throat. I walk out of the pool, put on my clothes and walk out of Kelsey's house.

To Maddie and Kendall: I'm going home, ttyl xox

I sit on the sidewalk and start dialling for a taxi.

"A taxi? You're going home?" I hear a velvet voice in my ear. I whip around to see Austin's gorgeousness just behind me.

"Yes." I get up and start walking, I don't know where.

"But you were having so much fun at Kelsey's, you-"

"Don't you get it? It was an act. Nobody really likes me for ME. My personality. They only like me for my looks or how fun I am. My close friends and I always put on an act- or nobody will like us for US!" Tears sting my eyes, "I'm considered a sl-" 

I'm cut off by his warm lips.

"I like you for you." His deep blue eyes stare in mine after the kiss.

"But Brooke..." I muster, though right now, I couldn't care less.

"She isn't you, Paigey. Want me to drive you home?"

"Okay!' I kiss him again and we run to his car.

Get Up, Get Loud, Get... Pregnant? // Paige HylandWhere stories live. Discover now