Saving R and E

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Elli POV

urgh, i had the worst dream last night, i thought that someone had called me and threatened to kill Ryden and his sister 

I woke up and just sat on my bed, "lisa..." I whispered, "yea elli?" She replied, oh i didn't know she could hear me, "did i get a phone call last night?" I asked her, "yea why?" She asked, "oh nothing just wondering if it was a dream or not", she just giggled before getting out of her bed and giving me a good morning kiss on the forehead and leaving

So i guess it was real, i quickly got out of bed to go eat break fast, my throat was still sore, so i decided to take some medicines 

"Us boys had alot of fun while you girls were touring the country" mike said to us girls, we gave him the glares, then started to laugh 

"Well too bad, you have to get used to us being back again" christina replied to him 

Alex came and hug me from behind "elli beau-iful" he said trying to speak like a british person 

I just laughed at him and gave him a peck on the lips 

I got up from the table and went to do the dishes, i felt someone tugging on my shirt, i looked down at joey, "this came in the mail and it is for you" he said, i took the paper out of his hands and started to read the note 

"It you want to let your friends live then meet me at the park at 1am, and if you don't show up then i will kill them and do not bring anyone else with you" and there was a picture of ryden and elizabeth tied to a post, ryden had a black eye and bruised face, his sister was fine but she looked scared 

I quickly put the note into my pocket so that the rest couldnt see, "who was the letter from?" Christina asked me while walking up to the sink to wash the dishes, "um nobody" i replied quickly, i think she knew i was lying so she got suspicious 

I quickly finished the dishes and went back into my room , i started to write a letter for tonight 

"Dear family, i have to do this, Ryden and his sister is kidnapped by a man that i do not know, but he is wanting to meet me, if i don't then he will kill them, i am not telling you where i am going tonight , i will stay safe. Love ELLI " 

I folded the paper and slid it under my bed so that they wont see it, i ripped up the letter and the photo and chucked it in the bin, i went back down stairs to watch tv 

"Elli you wanna go out for a skate with me and dani?" Lauren asked me, i looked at her and nodded my head

Christina POV

i was suspicious about the letter so while elli was up in her room i told lauren and dani to take elli out for a skate to keep her busy while we search her rooms for why she is suspicious 

Once elli came back down stairs to watch tv i signalled lauren and dani to go distract her, once elli agreed the girls and i waited for them to leave, once they left we ran up to lisa's room and started searching everywhere making sure we left it the way we found it 

"I found some ripped up paper in the bin" kath said, i told her and amy to piece it together while we kept searching, lisa lifted up elli's bed and a piece of paper fell out 

I read it out loud to the girls... After all the gasping had been done, i slowly slid the paper back into its original place so that it didn't look suspicious to elli when she came back, after kath and amy pieced the paper back together i read it out loud, so thats where she was going 

"Ok tonight , i will wait at the park with mike at 12 before elli arrives, we will wait in the tree house that elli hid in before, lisa you pretend to sleep, once she leaves get up and get amy and kath to follow her with you, you know where the park is so try stay as far as you can since you won't get lost ok?" We all agreed, we all seperated to do our own thing i ran down stairs and told mike about what is going on and he agreed, "whats going on?" Alex came into the room, "your gf is putting her life at risk to save her friends" i said to him, he was shocked, i told him about our plans, he wanted to help so we decided that he could come with me and mike, we will need another strong person 

It was getting late, we had dinner as usual , then we seperated to do our own thing, i told mum that mike, alex and i are going out to a friends house for the night, they agreed, we went and brought us some food, when it was around 11:50 we decided to drive to the park 

Once we got to the park we decided not to climb into the tree house so we decided to hide in the bush, we werent talking so we decided to text each other, i texted lisa if elli had left yet, she replied no, so i told her to pretend to go to sleep she replied with a 'ok'

Lisa POV

"Night elli" i replied to her,i put my head phones in and pretended to listen to music, i turned my head to face the wall, i heard the door opened, i waited a few seconds before texting christina "elli has left the room" she replied with a ok, i could hear her go down the stairs, once she stopped walking down the stairs,i got out of bed and saw the letter she wrote from earlier today, i quietly rushed into kath's amd amy's room, they were already ready, they nodded their head to indicate that they were ready, we quietly snuck out of the house, i could see Elli in the distant, we hid behind a bush, after a few second we started walking casually, every once in a while we would hide behind something so that elli wouldn't notice us 

Once we got near to the park i text christina to tell her that elli would be at the park by now 

Once we got to the park we hid in a bush near elli was waiting, we saw a man walking up to her with a boy and a little girl, he had his knife behind the boy, i could just make out the two figures 

I gasped in horror it was Ryden and Elizabeth

Elli POV

i was waiting for the man, once he finally arrived i was shaking in fear,  

"Let them go" i said trying to be couragious 

"Did you come alone?" He asked me, i nodded my head,  

"Come with me" he said, he was tall and muscular, with dark brown hair, i couldnt really make out his eye colour 

I was a bit hesitant about following him but if i didn't follow he would of killed us so i decided to follow him 

Within seconds i saw three girls jump out of a bush? 

Wait i know them, it was kath,lisa and amy! What were they doing here? ,did they follow me?! , Ryden told his sister to run, he jumped onto the man, elizabeth came running to me, the out of another bush i saw christina,mike and alex come running out, i told elizabeth to go run to christina, she did 

Mike tackled the man down, the girls stopped fighting him and left the boys to do the dirty job (soz boys) 

Kath called the cops, within minutes they arrived, the man was under restriction by mike and alex 

I hugged ryden asking him if he was ok and all, he was fine and so was his sister 

He told the police what happened, he then was taken to the station so that he could get sent home 

Alex and mike walked back to us girls 

"What were you thinking elli?!" Alex asked me half shouting, "im sorry, i needed to or else he would of killed both of them" i replied almost crying, he walked up to me and hugged me, then we were all in a group hug  

Suddenly we heard someone coughing , we turned to see who it was, it was dad and the rest, we waved them to come in for a family hug, they came running in to hug us 

Best group hug ever, once we released each other, mike and christina told mum and dad what was going on and what happened, they understood what i was doing, once we got home i ran straight into and dozed off, alex climbed into bed with me, lisa came in but she ignored him and went to bed, i fell asleep in alex's arm

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