Prologue: The Beginning.

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  • Dedicated to All the people who love Twilight as much as I do

-I do not own any person of the story written here, except Elizabeth and the things that happen in this story with Stephenie Meyer's characters-

  Prologue : The beginning.                                                                                      

  September 24th 1918, Chicago, Illinois.


It was exactly a week ago when Edward died. When he disappeared out of my life. When he left me here, alone in our house in Chicago. After our parents died I didn’t understood everything. How this illness had caused the death of my strong and healthy father. And how my sweet beloved mother could leave us alone, in the darkness which  had fallen over the once sunny and the for me perfect city of Chicago.

 But when doctor Cullen told me Edward was dead also, it was like my life was torn apart in thousands of pieces. Did I said thousands? I meant millions. I had to organise one big funeral, and had to pay everything. Two graves, one for my parents and one for Edward. I could have put them together, but when I’m old and I  would die, I’d wish to be together with Edward, whatever it would cost or how far I had to travel. I was truly alone for the first time in my live and it hurts.

 As twins we had some kind of special communication, and it was gone now. I would never forget him and with every step I took I would know he was somewhere there, watching me, going my own way. He would definitely not have liked me crying on the grass that surrounded his grave. He would have wanted me to go on with my life, but to never forget the great times we had together. I grabbed the locket around my neck and opened it. In it was a picture of Edward and me, in the garden behind our family house. We were both smiling. How could we know that something like this could happen in our save lives.

“Why are you crying my love?”, I heard someone say behind my back. “Have you lost someone?”. I turned around, want to say that this was a graveyard, the only place were people can cry about a lost person. But when I saw his face, I couldn’t say a thing. He was the most handsome man, I had ever seen.

 The colour of his eyes was hidden under the shadows of a tree, and his skin was the palest I had ever seen. His clothes were old and rough, like the man don’t cared about how he looked. But I couldn’t look away, he captured my eyes in his view on me. He had something special, but I’d wished he would go away. It was just me and my pain. “O, sorry. I’ll go away”. He said he would go, but his eyes said he totally didn’t wanted to. His eyes wanted me, and I didn’t knew if that was a bad or a good thing. Actually, his company wasn’t so bad. He sighed, and he did a step forward, like he wanted to check how far he could go.

 “Now I can walk again to her”. His words were only a soft whisper. “Maybe… spare her… That power only… she’s human … Victoria wouldn’t like … A secret of mine”. His whispers were unclear and what I heard I couldn’t place.

 I closed the locket. Edward would have want me to go away, but I couldn’t. I saw the danger, but I couldn’t run away. He was to attractive. “What’s your name, my love?”, he asked me.

“Elizabeth, Elisabeth Masen. I’m named after my mother.”. I didn’t knew why I said the last bit. He looked at the grave besides Edward’s, the one of my parents. “You lost her.”. It wasn’t a question. “And my father and my twin brother.”. “Great.”, he whispered. ‘No one will search for her to close by.’. He looked back at me. “ Would you like to come with me?”.

He turned around, to the forest next to the graveyard. He walked away. I stood up and followed him. After a while we stopped. “Hey” , I said. “What’s your name, if I might ask?”. He turned around. “James, my love, James.”. He walked towards me. His chest almost touched mine, and his eyes were finally clear. They were bright red. I tried to scream, but his hand was already on my mouth. His hand was ice cold. “I hope you’ll survive, Elizabeth.”. Then his mouth toughed my throat and he bit me. The fire went through my whole body and didn’t stop for 3 days…..

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