Chapter twenty: Finally Back.

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Chapter twenty: Finally back.

-Bella’s POV-


Carlisle drove the black Mercedes back to Forks. To home. When we passed the sign: The City of Forks welcomes you, I couldn’t get any happier. The days in the hospital in Chicago had been long, boring and most of all I missed Edward. I wanted too much: see him and the others, apologise to Eliza, see that everything was alright. Which it probably wasn’t.

When Carlisle parked in front of my house, Charlie was already waiting outside. “Hi dad,” I said, while I tried to get out of the car with my huge plaster. Charlie already ran forwards to help me, but I had already got out. I looked thankful at Carlisle. “Thanks Carlisle, for taking me home and anything.” He returned my smile. “Anytime Bella, you know you´re always welcome at our place and call me when you need any medical help, okay?”

I nodded and I saw Charlie also thanking Carlisle as I walked into the house. Seeing all the familiar things back was like a warm bath.  Being home was just so good. If only Edward was here too… Charlie had closed the door and saw me walking through the living room.  “So Bells, glad to be home again?”, he asked (a little uncomfortable). I nodded. And I meant it, it was great to be home again.

“And, what are you going to do tomorrow. Since I will be at the police office all day and you..” I interrupted him. “Dad, I am just going to school. I bet Edward will give me a ride or otherwise Alice will.. Dad are you okay?”, I asked when he looked almost like he was in shock. “But Bella, you’re just back here, aren’t you going a little fast? You should not go to school if you’re not fine.”, he said a little worried.

“Carlisle said that they kept me there longer than necessary. I mean it’s already Tuesday evening, I’ll be fine and Alice will help me with dressing up (a responsibility which she will probably abuse to let me wear clothes that she thinks are appropriate) , taking a shower and such, since that’s hard with my leg.” I said, while pointing at the huge plaster around my leg. “I am fine dad, I am honestly fine”, I also added.

He sighed, but he had no arguments left. I was glad that that was over and said: “Well, I am going to sleep.”. When I was halfway up the stairs, he said: “Don’t you need help for ehh, changing clothes and such?” “Still in my pyjama’s dad. Goodnight.”, and I walked on and entered my room. It felt so normal and peaceful without Edward in there. The last time I had entered my room had been with Edward, when he asked me to go and meet his family.

If you’d told me that all of this was going to happen before I left to the Cullen house, I wouldn’t have believed it. On my desk, I saw a bottle of perfume together with a note. I folded it open and read it: it was from Alice:

Dear Bella,

Sorry that I can’t be here, but Carlisle thought it might be better (especially for Charlie) if none of us would be standing at your doorstep right this moment. I’ll be there in the morning to help you get dressed. The perfume was something I had in my room for a while and I thought I might as well give it to you as a welcome home present.

                                                                                                               See you tomorrow,

                                                                                                                                   xxx Alice.

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