Ch.2 To live would be a big adventure

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Sarah's pov.

I walked home and it was colder than it was in the morning, I wish I brought a jacket. I got home around 6:16 and I was glad because I hate walking alone in the dark. Maybe if someone didn't kill my brother then I would have someone to walk home with. I don't even know why anyone would want to hurt him, he never did anything wrong. He was the nicest person ever, and he would never hurt a fly.

When I walked in my house I smelled something that was almost like melted medal. I walked into the living room and called out for my parents.

"Mom, dad. Where are you guys?!"

I walked around till I saw my mom and dad's shoes hiding behind the curtain.

"I just want you guys to know that you are still terrible hiders."

I pulled the curtain down and screamed. My mom and dad were cut open and hung. I screamed again and ran towards the front door. I heard something come from the kitchen so I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Ah, so the daughter is finally home. Now it's time to finish the job."

I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door. What am I going to do?! My parents are dead, there is a guy downstairs trying to kill me, and there is no longer way out of this house.

"Come out little girl. If you don't then you just might have to face a fait far more worse than your parents, and your brother."

I don't want to die, so I have to do something really crazy. The only safe way out of my room is if I jump out of my window. The only problem is that if I do, then I will land on top of my mothers gardening kit. There are all types of sharp things but it's better then getting killed by this guy. I opened my window and jumped.

Thankfully I only scratched my knee. I started running to Mason's house because I heard that there was going to be a party. And no killer is stupid enough to kill someone when there are hundreds of witnesses, right? I was almost there because I could hear the loud music playing not too far away.

About five minutes later I was there. I walked inside and nobody was really paying any attention to me. I just want to find someone who's nice enough to take me to the police station, but almost everyone here is drunk. I wondered around till I found someone who I hoped I could ask for help.

"Hey Lisa, I was, um wondering if you could drive me to this place. I could really use your help."

"And why would I help you? Your probably just going to infect me with your lameness anyway."

"Lisa I promise you, I'm only asking for your help because I'm really desperate. My life is on the line here, I could possibly die if you don't help me."

"Fine, what is so important that you need my help."

I explained to her what had happened up until this point.

"Wow, I guess that I could help you after all. So all you want me to do is just take you to the police station?"

"Yes, that all I need. Thank you so much."

We walked out of the house and to her car. It was a 20 minute drive to the police station, and it was a very silent car ride. As your probably wondering, yes Lisa and I used to be friends. We were friends until Cleo became popular and told everyone not to talk to me. I wish I at least had one friend, cause right now I bearly have one person helping me.

She was nice enough to come inside with me, and I am thankful for that.

"Hello officer, my name is Sarah Wilkins and my p-parents were m-murdered!"

"Your parents are the Wilkins?! Josh get over here, she's one of the Wilkins!"

"Um, what do you mean? Why are you so excited about my name, I'm poor, and nobody knows about my family because the people that do hate us."

"Wait, do you mean to tell me that they didn't tell you? Oh man, this is going to be a long story. Ok, we will go and investigate your house while you stay here with my partner Josh, he has to tell you something very important. And agent Lisa, good work."

"Thank you boss, I do try."

"Wait, Lisa your a cop?!"

"Obviously, now let me get back to work."

"Come on Sarah, it's time you know."

I looked at the person who was talking to me and was speechless because of how handsome he is. He has dark brown hair with golden highlights, beautiful blue eyes, and plump pick lips. I am guessing that he is Josh. Wow, I'm going to be alone with him, I can't believe it. And he's actually looking at me like I'm a real person, and not a freak.

I followed him to this normal looking waiting room, and we sat down. He didn't say or do anything until everyone in the room left. Then he got up and moved the super small picture off the wall. There was nothing behind it, and it was weird because he just stood there and starred at it for a while. Then he waved for me to come over so I did.

"Just look at this spot and don't move."

I was really scared because when I did look at the wall I got this really weird feeling in my body. At first I felt tired, then I felt sick like I was going to throw up, then I got a sharp pain in my head. I started to feel dizzy and was about to faint when Josh held my back a whispered in my ear.

"It's ok, I promise that you'll be fine, just hold on for a couple more seconds. I will never let anything happen to you."

He was so close that I could smell his minty cologne. I felt a couple more seconds of pain and it just stopped. My body was very weak and just before I fainted, the wall opened up and he carried me in.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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