World Wide Web (SLOW UPDATES)

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Okay before you start reading there's are the websites Mia uses, Her username, The boy she meet and his user name (The one with the stars are the ones she semi-Famous on) ;


Username; @Kit_Kats17

Boy; Niall Horan

His Username; @Irish_Charm13


Username; @Gummy_Bears17

Boy; Zayn Malik

His Username; @One_Out_Of_Five05

***YouTube*** -

Username; Awkward Turtle (@Awkward_Turtle17)

Boy; Louis Tomlinson

His username; @Sassy_William21


Username; ASDFGHJKL_O.o

Boy; Harry Styles

His Username; @Edward_Styles12


Username; Aussie_Bitch17

Boy; Liam Payne

His username; @No_Spoons123


Chapter one; Goodbye

"so He started staring at me, Giving me this really weird look so I kissed him! Haha Yes I know I'm so stupid. He ended up pushing me off of him and yelling "What the yell leave me alone you creep' " I laughed into the Camera "Okay so that's the embarrassing story of my first kiss. If you liked this video and want me to post more in the future about... my past them like this video" I smiled softly pointing down below towards the like button.

Also if you have any funny or awkward First kiss or any kiss videos please comment them down below or send me a video responds." I giggled while tucking a piece of my dark brown hair behind my ears. " Okay guys and girls I have to go now Bye" I screamed into the camera before walking up to it and pressing the 'stop recording' button.

Hi I'm Mia Jones and as you may have or may not have guessed I'm a Youtuber I'm quite popular and have over a million subscribers. My channels called Awkward Turtle because that's what I am, I hate human interaction with a passion I'm more of an Indoors, Internet Kind of girl. I have mid back length, Dark brown hair and Hazel eyes I'm medium height and nothing special.

"Mia we're leaving now" My mum said walking into my room, Her and my dad are going to Paris (The city of love) For there wedding anniversary and a holiday this year which means I'm going to be home alone for a three weeks 'Yay!' "Really already?" I pouted being an only child made be closer to my parents. "Yes sweetie sorry but if we don't leave now we'll miss our flight" She smiled whilst hugging me tightly. My mum has Black, thin hair that's just passed her shoulder, Brown eyes and she's quite short but above all she's beautiful.

Why don't I just go with them? Is what your thinking right now isn't it? Well 1) I hate planes and 2) Do you realise what married couples do on there Anniversary? *Shudders*. "Goodbye baby girl and remember the rules no-" My dad said before I cut him off "No parties, No boys are aloud to sleepover or go in my room, No drinking, No drugs and no getting pregnant:" I laughed rolling my eyes he is so protective of me "Good girl" He smiled. My Dad looks exactly like me basically except He has brown hair, A light stubble and well erm... he's a guy.

"Good bye mum Good bye dad love you guys.Have a safe trip" I yelled out to them as they drove off down the road. Now what to do? I thought to myself. Oh that's right I have to edit that video I just shoot. "Great" I mumbled sarcastically to myself as I walked into my room and hooked my video camera up to my Laptop...


I posted the video an hour ago and I already have 10,5743 views. I decided to read through my comments some were funny first kiss stories and Lovely comments while others we're hate. I try and not let the hate get to me but sometimes I just can't help it but I'm only human so you can't judge me.

One of the hate messages caught my eye it was from someone called @Nathan_Hastings the guy the video was about...


As if you'd put that up are you like proud of getting rejected by me or something? Your so pathetic and ugly that why I didn't want to kiss you whore!

My eyes started to get watery that hurt a lot. I haven't had a boyfriend before and I never knew why. Well it looks like I got my answer, Harshly wiping my big eyes to make the unfallen tears go away I started to scroll further down when a reply to his message popped up.

@Sassy_William21 to @Nathan_Hastings

Are you blind or just plain stupid? She is far from ugly she beautiful simply perfection actually! and I don't know about you but I would definably kiss her ;)

I blushed as I read that comment I wounder if what he said was true? I clicked on his profile to see he hasn't posted any videos before and he doesn't even have a profile picture. "Weird..." I mumbled to myself before logging off. "Time to cook me some mac and cheese before checking Twitter!" I cheered jumping up and down, Yes I know I'm weird!


Vomment? tell me what you honestly think :)

~Awkward Turtle out

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