Crimson Love

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Ruki has a secret. He's a cutter...

*My First GazettE fanfic and my first fanfic on Wattpad :) (I posted this on AFF, but decided to also post it here too)


Drops of crimson fell into the shiny white sink. This was his bad habit, his addiction, his relief. It was his deepest secret. No one knew, and he didn't want anyone to know. Especially his boyfriend, Reita. He and Reita had been dating for nearly 4 years, but he had managed to keep his secret hidden. He wants to tell, but he doesn't know how. He can barely remember the days before he would slash his skin with his razor. What were those days like? He couldn't remember. His thoughts were interrupted  by a knocking at the bathroom door.

"Ruki?" The deep voice belonging to his boyfriend called. Ruki jumped. He quickly locked the door.

"Ruki? Are you okay?" Reita jiggled the doorknob slightly, "You've been in there for nearly an hour."

Ruki quickly and quietly cleaned his cuts.

"Ruki?" Reita called, knocking, then he jiggled the doorknob again, "Takanori?"

"Reita, I'm fine." Ruki finally replied. He unrolled his sleeve and unlocked the door. He swiftly opened the door and shuffled quickly away from the bathroom.

"Are you sure?" Reita asked, following Ruki, "You were in there for a long time…"

"Akira, I'm fine." Ruki said.

Ruki didn't know his wrist was still bleeding and blood began to travel down his arm slightly.

"Are you hungry?" Reita asked. Ruki shrugged.

"I dunno… Not really…"

"It's almost dinner time…" Reita replied.

"Are you hungry?" Ruki asked.

Reita nodded, "Yeah… kinda…"

Ruki nodded thoughtfully, "What would you like to eat?"

Reita shrugged. The two put on their shoes and left their apartment.

They sat at a table at a restaurant, Ruki was playing with his menu, a bit of blood had dried on his arm, which he hadn't noticed.

"What's on your arm?" Reita asked, noticing the line of red running down Ruki's arm. Ruki looked down and realized his sleeve had rolled down a bit, reveiling his cut.

"No-Nothing…" Ruki lied and quickly puttled at his sleeves.

"It's something…" Reita replied then reached for Ruki's arm. The latter pulled away.

"Ruki…" Reita looked at Ruki gently but the smaller man shook his head, "Takanori, let me see…"

Ruki finally gave in, "When we get home…"

Reita raised an eyebrow then nodded, agreeing.

Their meals finally came and the couple ate in silence, with few comments and a bit of small talk. Reita thought to himself. What was it? Did Ruki get hurt? Was he bleeding? Or maybe it was something harmless like ink from a pen. Whatever it was, Reita didn't know, and couldn't stop jumping to conclusions. Maybe Ruki was hurt. But if he was hurt, he would've told him. His mind couldn't help but wander to the darker side of things. He had heard about people who cut themselves. He hoped deeply that it wasn't that and it was just something harmless. He needed to calm down, he was worrying too much.

Reita shut the door to their apartment. Ruki was nowhere in sight as he had bolted to his room the moment their front door opened.

"Ruki, come on now! Let me see!" Reita called, his voice was firm. There was no reply. Reita made his way over to the door to Ruki's bedroom. He knocked slightly, "Ruki?"




"Takanori, open up and let me see!"

"Don't be mad…" Ruki voice seemed small, scared.

"I won't be… Tell me…" Reita's voice was soft, calm, soothing. The door creaked open as it was slowly opened. The look on the short male showed anxiety.

Ruki took a deep breath and held his arms out for Reita to see. Reita gently rolled up the sleeves and his eyes widened at what he saw. Scars and lines where cuts had been, and fresh cuts, like the one he had seen at the restaurant. Tears began to form in his eyes.

"Ru…Ruki…" Reita gasped. Ruki gulped hard before bursting into tears.

Reita pulled his boyfriend into a tight hug, "Don't cry…"

"It's…It's terrible…"

"I know… but you'll get through this… I'm here… You have me… I'll help you…"

Ruki was crying silently, shaking in his boyfriend's strong arms.

"You don't need to do this… You're perfect and I love you." Reita said then kissed Ruki on the top of the head.

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