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cold heart: my heart felt so empty she had yelled at me my body just felt so dark i coudnt even know what to do im scared i feel as if she dosent care"why dosent she care i love her!"i said out loud all i could see is darkness covering my body i suddenly felt warmth on my body blood dripped from my head and i blacked out nothing but blackness

silentsnow:what is happening cold hearts body is just be covered in black goo and he just yelled something so suprinsing i just had  to hug him i love him too his body began bleeding why!!!!!!!!! he cant die i love him i quickly gave him my blood and i just dont remmber anything else what happened

coldheart:i woke up and silentsnow was dead i began mopping"why!!!!!"for the first time in forever i started bursting tears from my eyes i loved her i loved why did she die for me im not worth it am i? wait did she love me?"i cant ask her now"

(the end guys there will be a second book im looking forward to write it)

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