The Bachelor And his family chapter 1

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Zayn POV 

I'm so happy these day because we have had a few months free form all the drama and i am so happy about the wife is doing good and so are all of the kids but one think is that .still gets to me is how was Perrie in all of this and where is she today because that a lot to be taking in and it not easy at all  but now that i know this was all because she was being blackmail and stuff plus she is not doing well she will always have a place in my Heart she just needs to come up with a way to get better and then she can be the old Perrie again and it good that we have Tyler back safe and sound because he means the world to us like i keep saying my family is everything to me I'm not going to treat my kids  bad at all they all will know love and i mean it because it something you don't take for anything in the world because i love them all the same and the lads and i doing well as one direction and i think i did good going back with the  lads at least i knew  that they and had my back now and always and i'm not leaving one direction again on least we call he as a band that as far as that will go and who knows maybe someday  when we done as a band i might try the solo thing again because i might be more ready for it them  but like i said it all be good the last few moths but me and my wife and the kids take it day by day ya it hard to  think a head because you don't know what is around the corner when it comes to my family because my wife was almost kill 3 times she was shoot at 3 times and she was almost hit by a car all because of my ex and Shelby so it going to be hard to trust Perrie again but maybe one day when she gets the help she will need that .I might be able to for give her for all of this because i know she doing it for  are good to keep us all a live because Tyler told us all she had  told him and he understand that she did what she need to do and that about all we can do right now is know she was trying to save A lives and that  a good thing 

Tyler -( comes home form school with is girlfriend ) hay dad how it going 

Zayn - good son hi Kelly ann

Kelly ANN - hi Mr Mailk  

Zayn - please just call me Zayn it MR Mialk makes me feel old 

Kelly Ann - i keep forgetting you told me to call you that 

Zayn - it okay  so what are you kids up to 

Kelly Ann -we have a  home work that we need to do in Praters so we need to do that it  for heath class it the one where your giving a bag of flower and you need to treat it as if it was a baby  and stuff like that  and then you have to have a fake wedding for this class as well and it going to be a blast  because if we are with someone as boyfriend and girlfriend  we can do the work together so that it don't cause trouble for the people seeing each other 

Zayn- that good and i can think back to when i had to do that in school 

Tyler - i thought you where on the road at that time with one direction 

Zayn-  that was the year before i was in one direction that I had to do that in school

Tyler - ok where is mum 

Zayn-she needs to work late on the job site today because they got a dead line on the new  school  wing  at your school 

Tyler - it hard going to school and knowing that there working being done on the school and your mum  is the boss of it  

Zayn- ya so how are you holding up after what had happened to you  a few moths back 

Tyler - I'm doing okay dad but i still have the bad dreams for where i was kidnapped i just want to sake the dream off but it will take time i gust 

Zayn - yes it will son  but you need to know that it was not you it was the sick person who Kidnapped you but things will get better just take it one day at a time son  now i think you need to go and look after a bag of flower for school like it a baby 

Tyler - ya it is kind of funny 

KELLY ANN - not that we need to do this for class but the fact that we need to use the bags of flower because the school cant used the dolls because they broken and we do have it the school  budget this year for the knew ones 

Zayn -well maybe between me and the lads we can bye the dolls for the school do the school need anything else 

Tlyer well the football team and basketball teams need new cloths because what the teams have here seen it day 

Zayn -well how about i check with the school and between me and the boys in one direction we get the school new dolls for that class and the teams cloths 

Kelly Ann- that would be good and that just made me think us cheerleaders need to same up for new cloths for cheer and games and stuff 

Zayn -well why don't we take care off that too and don't tell the school we will just show up with it 

Kelly Ann -thanks 

just then the kids went to do there school work and my baby came home she looked  beat and i knew she was tired from a long day at work it good that we been drama free  but it can happy again so i hope that it will be good for a while and if anything will happen we will be getting ready for it when that happens but right now we are just dealing with what comes are way 

Zayn - hay baby you seem beat  you okay or do you need anything right now 

Pamela - ya i could use a back  rub and feet one because we had  a lot going on at the school it was just so busy  i saw Tyler and is football team getting ready for there game next week today at lunch the teams looking good this time around 

Zayn -well that because they need a knew coach and Louis said he would do it and now he is there football coach and it kind hard for him because all the teens where trying to get a picture or something  

Pamela -ya well before you give me my back rub and foot rub i need a nice bath 

Zayn -well so you want  to take one together

Pamela -yes that would  be good baby  I just hope we don't have more drama soon 

 but as my  baby said that I had a feeling like we are watched I hope  i'm not right about that it well i took my baby upstairs  and we got in the tub and i made her feel better because she need it and i love her so much 

The Bachelor And his family. Book 4 In The Bachelor SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now