The Bachelor and his family chapter 9

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Tyler POV

When my father left to go to see if my mom was alright I couldn't help but worry but I know that she was a tough woman and she was okay but one of the Sun is this happening and then I started thinking about the things that was happening to me when I was kidnapped I can't help what's going on these days and why I feel this way why do people haven't heard that some of the stuff to happen a lot of people having scenes on the stuff to I know everything that happened to me and I don't really feel like talking about it

Simon you hey there Tyler you seem like you're lost in thought

Tyler I'm ok grandpa I'm just thinking about all the happen to me you know when I was kidnapped just can't seem to forget about it there's stuff that I don't feel like talking about but I don't know why all this is happening of course I'm seeing a therapist now. In the school counselor and everything but sometimes everything that happened to me as something I could wish I could just forget I talk to them cuz they're not allowed to say anything to anyone but why must all this piece so annoying I don't really feel like going bad or feel until my mom but I want to worry then but everything that happened to me you know I'm saying its just it was hard and plus they have all these nightmares from it I don't know if they're just nightmares of the night terrors whatever they are it's something I wish I never had

Simon dunno you do know if you feel like you cannot talk to your parents about anything you can always come to me right that's what I'm here for you are my grandson if you need anything just let me know

Tyler thanks grandpa I just wish I understood what was going on and all of this is just so much going down that I have no clue everything is just lurking around the corner stuff I wish I could forget stuff that I won't forget you know it's good to know that I actually have more than mom now mom was always there for me she still is but it's good to have more people the more support the better you know what I'm saying

Simon of course I know what you're what you are saying interpreting just know that no matter what you got someone there you go to all the guys in one direction you got me you got your mom you know you got everyone around here even the three girls a little mixer not going insane you know there's a lot of us here for you which is what's going to be you just need to learn how to talk when you're ready plus you have a really sweet girlfriend there in Kelly Ann you're always going to have what you need

TylerAnd I just wish I understood more anyway I've got to get a lot of this homework done and now that we have these actual baby we can actually use them to do the assignment hard to believe that we have to do this sign up for 6 to 8 weeks so basely for 6-8 weeks I have to act like a married man with my girlfriend in school just in that class course plus we have to learn how to handle with the baby dolls were at home this course is supposed to prepare us for everyday life when they get out and what to expect when the time comes to have children

Simon is a good thing cuz comparators you for everything in life and not just that you understand then when the time comes and you get out there when you have kids that's not a piece of cake all the time and you don't take it for granted you understand what they need and you know what to do when the time comes and not just the ideas of course it should also help you know make you kids have less and less sex these days or less unproductive sex I'm not saying you're that type of just saying in general

Tyler never thought that I'd be getting the sex talk from my grandfather but then again I never thought I would have had it when I was 10 from my mother which I did well mom told me all about the birds and the bees when I was younger Plus then all five of these guys and one direction here today so I think I've had the talk to several times over

The Bachelor And his family. Book 4 In The Bachelor SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now