Avery POV
I was in Vietnam when is saw him. The sexiest thing you ever saw. He was wearing a bikini. A small very small bikini. I walked over and said hey I'm Avery. Hey he said I'm Tonya. Would you like to go out for soup, I asked. Sure Tonya said. Then they went home to Hayley's house Hayley wrote this book. They went in to Hayley's home and went up to her room and we saw Hayley was already asleep so we went into Hayley's sisters room. Hey Tonya you can't sleep in here you are filthy like my butt! Ok said Tonya I'm glad you think so! 😀
About two hours later
Tonya POV
Hey let's go draw a mustache on Hayley! I said. Ok said Avery let's go! I'll take a baseball bat incase Hayley wakes up. Good idea said Avery. We carried the baseball bat over to Hayley's room. We walked into Hayley's room but I tripped over a moose. Then the burglar alarm Hayley's papa installed for this very purpose went of. I looked around but I saw no Avery she had deserted me. Typical...This did not look good. I was an intruder in Hayley's house I was in her room and I had a baseball bat. I was running for the door when Hayley's papa ran into her room with a shotgun and said eat lead Tonya. I will make you go to sleep. Then he shot me. Before i died I told Hayley's papa a secret. Rick I said I am your father. Then I died. Oh no said Hayley papa I shot me father I bad boy So then Hayley Avery and Hayley's papa carried me out to the strawberry patch and buried me with the cats. Rest in peace daddy. Said papa love you
Hello children so yes avery was attracted to a man named tonya who was lying in the beach in a very very small bikini. I don't know why she was attracted to him. She is a weird person. ask her why she was attracted to him at averydemond