The Horsemen

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This is my first story so by all means give me HELPFUL criticism don’t just tell me it sucks tell me what you don’t like about it so I can hopefully improve upon it and make it more enjoyable 











I was sitting with my back against the wall on the cold floor staring at the cell bars thinking. Thinking about what I had done to finally get thrown in here and waiting for my court martial. My knuckles still hurt from when I punched Captain Lewis in his jaw and shattered it. But remembering the feel of his jaw breaking made me chuckle to my self slightly. Captain Lewis was my platoon commander  and thought he was gods gift to the corps. I proved him wrong yesterday when he tried to take my squad and use us for punching bags the day before. The fucker shouldn’t have demanded my men refuse to fight back in the training exercise to make his boys look good. The prick never liked me any ways. 

“Sgt. McLain you have a visitor.” said the guard stationed at the end of the cell rows.

“Is it time for my court martial already? I figured it would be a week or two before I got to that part.”

“No Sgt. A Colonel is here to see you. Said the matter was of a top secret matter.”

“Top secret? Why the hell would I be needed?” I asked to know one in particular, but i stood up and walked to the cell door to stick my hands through the cell door food slot so the guard could hand cuff me.



As the guard lead my down another hall with interrogation rooms on each side I merely looked straight ahead until he opened one of the doors and led me in handcuffing me to a loop welded to the metal table. The guard left closing the door and locking me in here. I was alone in the room at the moment so I casually looked around the room noticing the camera in the corner of the room facing down on me as well as the one way mirror so that others could monitor me while the interrogation was taking place. I could feel someone watching me through the glass so I just smirked while I flicked them off and leaned back in the chair I was sitting in. 

After about twenty minutes of sitting their staring at the ceiling I finally heard the lock in the door disengage and the door open, but I decided to simply ignore it and keep staring at the ceiling. Out of the corner of my eyes I took in everything about my “visitor.” short, medium build, wore his service alpha uniform well though. Chest full of medals and a shiny full bird colonel insignia on each shoulder. Typical military hair cut and facial features till u looked at his eyes. His eyes were so dark brown they almost looked black and their was no warmth in them what so ever.

One thought went through my mind as I saw those eyes, this guy is not one I should piss off…. And with that I sat back up in my chair making sure to keep an eye on him. 

He casually walked over and sat down in the chair across the table from me without looking up from the file he was flipping through and reading. After another minute or so he finally looked up at me and smiled, but the smile never made it even close to his eyes. “You seem to have a problem with authority figures Sgt.”

“No colonel I have a problem with morons pretending to know what their doing when they spend more time on their knees to get promoted than behind a gun.” I stated it flatly with out any emotions, but I was looking directly into his eyes without looking away just as he was doing me. We stayed like that for a few moments as he contemplated my answer.

“Well in that case I have a job proposition for you. Come join my team and the only one you will ever have to answer to is me. Plus you’ll be given an officer rank and very well compensated monetarily while you’re apart of the team.” he said this all while looking straight at me.

“I’m up for a court martial why would you want me for your team? Sounds like a load of shit to me colonel.”

“Its simple really. You’re a black belt instructor, top of your class in hand to hand combat, excellent scores in all small arms weaponry. And no one can get close to you once you have wheels underneath you. And those are traits I like and need for my team.”

At that I started to chuckle a bit. “been talking to the local cops have we?”

“yes as well as cops in about ten different states. Including Georgia, your from their if I’m not mistaken.”

“what’s the catch to this seemingly wonderful offer you have placed before me?” I knew better than to accept it at face value. Id been dick’ed over  by the military enough to know everything came with a price.

“you have to die.” he said it like he were talking about the weather to a random stranger at a bar.

“with all due respect go fuck your self colonel I ain't ready to die yet”

With that he gave a soft chuckle. “every time I hear that phrase its always followed by an insult. I’ve learned that respect is never given after saying it. But as for dieing it isn’t meant literally. We fake your death so that everyone thinks your dead including your family and friends. And you can never let them know your still alive, because otherwise they could be used against you, and I cant have that with my team.” he leaned back in his chair and laced his fingers together waiting for my answer.

I sat their a few minutes contemplating his offer for a few minutes then looked back up at him. “alright but I have a few conditions before I agree to this.” and with that I told him everything I wanted to have happen before I would agree and made sure he knew I wouldn’t say yes till I had it all in writing before I went any where with him.

“not a problem ill be back in one hour with the paperwork detailing everything you have requested.” and with that he got up and walked out of the room.



After waiting in the interrogation room for what seemed like hours watching a fly buzz around the single light in the ceiling the colonel finally walked back in with two folders and a pen. “here you go Sgt. If you would read over both of these insuring that this is what we agreed upon and sign both copies the first is for our records and the second is for your personal records.”

I read through it quickly till I got to the bottom and noticed the seal and signature of the secretary of defense. “are you trying to tell me that you had this printed up and had the secretary of defense sign off on this in under an hour?”

“no it was pre-signed and sealed waiting for your requests to be agreed upon. And yours were perfectly agreeable I just had to type them up and print them out on the already signed documents.”

And with that I signed both copies and handed one copy back to the colonel as well as his pen.

“very well, welcome to the team.”

And with that Sgt. McLain was dead in a training accident and I was put through training that changed me for ever.




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