Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: Paramount Studios and the estate of Gene Roddenberry own copyright of all things Star Trek. The original plot is my own as are any characters created specifically for this story. 

The door chime required his attention. He swore. He was due to collect Beverly from her quarters in less than five minutes, and he was behind schedule. 'Yes? Come in!' 

The door opened to reveal - Ezri Dax - out of uniform, very out of it he noticed, clearly this was to be a social call. He blinked rapidly. This was starting to get confusing. The timing was beginning to get on his nerves. 'Mars colony shuttles', he thought, 'wait for hours, and then two arrive together!

'Are you busy?' She inquired. 'Well I was just..' She continued; 'Only I'm a bit confused..' 

'Ezri, look, I'm sorry, but I'm a bit busy right now. Can this wait?' He rushed past her grabbing his jacket, 'Can you make sure the door is secure when you leave? Thanks!' 

He ran up the corridor, and stopped. 'What did I just do?' He shook his head irritably. It was beyond him. He walked on and boarded the turbo-lift to the guest quarters. He was breathing heavily. He tried to smooth down his hair. Pulled on his jacket and checked his appearance as best he could. Stepping off the lift, he strode swiftly to the second door on his left. Pressed the actuator on the door courtesy panel, and waited. 


'You all know your orders?' Nods of agreement from all present, 'Good, then dismissed. Commander Riker, I will meet you back on the Enterprise in one hour. Until then you have the bridge. Colonel Kira, good luck and I'll speak to you in 48 hours. Captain DeSoto, you will remain here until repairs are completed on the Hood. Then contact me on the agreed channel and we will arrange our rendezvous. That is all.' 

They all filed quietly out of the briefing room, conversation muted. As they left, Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the Federation flagship, the Sovereign Class starship U.S.S. Enterprise, registry NCC-1701-E, sighed deeply. He turned to the window behind him and gazed out at the heavens. How peaceful they looked. 

He was by nature a peaceful man. Poet. Explorer. Diplomat. Yet the course fate had chosen for him allowed none of these qualities. He knew that there was only one way for this mission to end. For the Peace Treaty between the Federation and the Cardassian Union to survive, the rogue ship must be destroyed. For the Cardassians would never admit to possession of the ship. Until they were able to use it against the Federation that is. For them to be caught in possession of the ship would destroy the Treaty and could very easily result in a renewed conflict. In which the previously Federation colonies now within the Cardassian border would suffer very badly. The Maquis would mobilize in full strength, probably gaining fresh support and supplies. In short the border region would be bathed in blood. He shivered in revulsion at the prospect. 


The door slid open and he gulped nervously. It appeared that there was a change of plan. Beverly did not appear to be planning to leave her quarters that night. She was draped seductively over a couch placed in the centre of the room. Her dress was of a pale blue material, translucent in places. Very interesting places. And it was short. Just below the knee, but split up to the thigh at the left side. As her legs were crossed towards him, this feature presented a very interesting view of her very long legs. He realized she was speaking. 

'Are you just going to stand there with your mouth open? Or are you going to come in?' She inquired, adding sarcastically, 'I would suggest the latter, you're causing a draught.' He was about to mention that the climate control shouldn't allow any draughts, but caught himself just in time. Sarcasm, he could recognize. He shut off his vocal operations and managed to gain control of his limbs. He entered the room, and walked over to where she was seated. He waited nervously. 

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