Author's Notes

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Copyright 2017

Don't steal any of these. It's against the law. I will find out.

Alright. Formal scary stuff is over. You don't have to read the rest of this chapter, but I would love it if you did. I just have six things I want to say.

First of all, wOW that summary was cheesy. I need to work on that. I apologize.

Second, I really really really love constructive criticism, and I don't take offense to any comments you may give, so tear my writing apart. Tell me every single little thing that's wrong with it. Be a grammar Nazi. I will love you forever. No joke.

And you know why? Because I'm not a perfect writer. Which is my third point. Don't expect this to be blow-your-socks-off amazing, because it isn't going to be. I'm actually less impressed with the first chapter than usual.

Fourth, there' some people I need to acknowledge!

Nuttela-chan on Tumblr, for giving me the motivation to write this

Electric-Bluejay for being a beta reader

My little brother and sister for being beta readers

My friend, h2o008 for being a beta reader

Fifth, These are Dark!Ninja AUs, so they might be dark!
Electric-Bluejay said she "literally died," so yeah. Don't go into this if you can't handle dark stuff.

Sixth, you need to be caught up to season five of Ninjago to comfortably read this. But there isn't anything from season six in here, so don't worry.


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