Chapter 30

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~Danni's POV~

Cautiously, I walked toward my babies room. I stopped dead in my tracks when a gun went off downstairs. What if Louis's hurt? From behind the door, I could hear Edward start crying, then Emily joined him a second later.

I was conflicted. If Louis was hurt he could be dying downstairs, bleeding out on the floor. At least I knew for sure that my kids were alive. I sighed before running toward the stairs. It only took me a second to get down them. I could hear the front door slam shut. It has to be Lou, he wouldn't leave me.

"Louis!" I screamed. He couldn't be too far. Maybe the living room? It's a start I guess.

"Oh my God! Louis!" The scene in the living room shocked me. Broken glass littered the floor. The coffee table was overturned and it's glass top was shattered. Louis was lying on the floor, and it looked like he was struggling to catch his breath. He weakly coughed as I fell to the ground beside him. Blood was pooling on the floor beside him and stained his bare chest. His normally mischievous demeanor was gone, replaced by emptiness.

I couldn't think of anything to do. My mind was racing and my heart was beating out of my chest. I picked up the phone and dialed 911. "Come on pick up!" I said as it continued to ring.

After a few rings, I finally got an answer and told the operator everything in a rush.

"Ok calm down. An ambulance is on the way but you need to keep pressure on the wound. It's going to hurt him a lot so you might want to give him something to drink." I frantically looked around the room for something to stop the bleeding. I finally decided to run to the kitchen.

I returned to his side with a bunch of hand towels and some vodka. "Ok I got a few towels. Now what?" I said as I put the vodka bottle to Louis's mouth. I had to hold his head in my lap as he slowly swallowed and cringed at the bitter taste.

"Put pressure on the wound. EMT'd will be there any minute just don't let him close his eyes." I put the phone on speaker and put it on the floor.

"I'm sorry but this is going to hurt a lot." I said to Louis before putting the towel against the wound. He winced and squeezed his eyes shut. "Look at me Lou." I said, my breath catching in my throat.

" you." He said weakly, coughing. I put my hand on his cheek and brushed his messy hair off of his forehead. I shook my head at him.

"Don't say that to me." I whispered to him. He reached his hand up to my cheek and caught the tears that were flowing. I couldn't lose him. Not now! We have two kids! We're engaged. He's the love of my life...

"I wanna...see them." He said weakly. Cringing as I switched towels.

"You can see them everyday." I said trying to smile. "Your gonna be fine, and we are going to raise these kids together and your going to teach Edward to play soccer and scare off Emily's prom date." I was sobbing uncontrollably.

"I love you Danni. Make sure Edward... And Emily..know daddy...loves them." He croaked out. His breathing getting more and more shallow.

"Tell them yourself." His eyelids drooped slightly and I felt him go limp in my arms. The sound of sirens where getting closer and closer. "No! Louis, you can't leave me! Leave us! Please!"


I'm so sorry that this took so long to update!! Btw me and Bay have just published the prologue of our first cowritten book called Shining Armor so go check it out!! It's on my reading list :) love you guys!! <3

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