the deal

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"wakeee uppppppp"sky said
jumping up and down on CDs bed

"ugh not now ghost go away i don't want to go to school"Cd whines

"I'm positive I'm not a boy"sky exclaimed

to CD as she jumped on the bed

"fine I'm up i'm up god at least your not as bad as ghost when he wakes me up"CD said
jumping out of bed and getting ready as sky went to Blake to wake him up of course nightmare is awake like always watching in amusement.

"wake up u big flirt before i hurt your family jewels"sky yelled
in Blake's ear
Blake jumped up an ran behind a surprised CD that just came out of the bathroom in new cloths and brushed hair and teeth

"ummmm guys why is Blake hiding behind me" CD asked
trying to get him unattached from her waist

"she told me shed hurt my family jewels don't let her near me she will hurt me"Blake exclaimed
not letting go

"i had to get you up some how or i wouldn't be able to get to gym battle"sky exclaimed
shaking her head cd tried to unattached blake again only to fail

"can you let go "cd sighed
to blake

"nahh I'm good "blake said
tightening his hold on her waist

"some help here would be nice"cd sassed
to sky and nightmare who raised there eyebrows at her

"well now that you want to be sassy than.................... no"nightmare said while sky high fives him as they walk away.

"Guyyyys please"cd yelled at their retreating body's knowing that they couldn't hear her

"blake please let gooooo"cd asked
"hmm only if you let me flirt with you and i get to hold your hand also you can't hurt me for it"blake said
"cd said
then blake released her but cd had already ran down half of
the hall way

"woo i lost em"cd said
slowing down bad idea she was tackled to the floor with an amused blake

"do you really think i would let you get away that easy"blake said
helping cd up and holding her hand and not letting go

"ughhh fine"cd said
walking in front of him with him still not letting go of her arm as they were almost there blake wraping his arms around her
"Let me go"cd states

"Ah ah ah you agreed to my deal so... "blake smiled at her while cd rolled her eyes walking up to a surprised sky and nightmare

"sky can you help me out of a deal i made"cd asked
as sky raised her eyebrows in question

"what deal"sky asked
cd was about to say something when Blake interrupted her

"a deal she won't get out of"he said
as cd glared at him as there friends looked at them in amusement and question

"any waaayyyy let's get to the gym i want to win a gym battle"sky said interrupted cds and Blake's death glare battle at each other.

"Let's get going then" cd said

CD's 1st adventureWhere stories live. Discover now