The Story of Us

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I'm trapped in a cage
It's dark but loud
Voices are everywhere
They won't leave me alone
Poking and jabbing at me
Like I'm an ugly animal
I guess I am
I sit in the middle
Where their Pokes and Jabs won't
Reach Me
I'm safe
For a while
Someone picks up a stick and starts jabbing away
I turn on my music
Trying to block them out
But it doesn't work
Their voices become my music
There's no escaping Society
There's no escaping Evil
There's no escaping Sinners
There's no escaping hate

They say "They are just Jealous."
What utter Bullshit
If they were jealous they would try to be more like me
Not burying me
Not making scars cut into my skin
Not telling me to Commit Sucide
Not making me feel unwanted

I'm a broken doll
Loved To death as some people would say
Utter Bullshit
More like thrown away
More like beat
More like hidden
More like embarrassed off
But hey if you called that loved to death
Okay then.
Let's pretend it is.
Let's pretend I was loved
So much that I looked used and beat
But actually wasn't.
Sure let's close our eyes and pretend that everything is great
We all know everyone does it
But eventually you have to open those eyes
And face the world
And it sucks
You just want to keep your

I thought about this as I'm in this cage
And I stood up grabbed a blindfold and tied it around my eyes so even if I open them I'll see nothing.

I wrote this. So no stealing. Thanks.

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