Chapter 17

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Hey guys! I know it's only been like 2-3 days or whatever, but I got over it :D

To be honest i wasn't really upset, but I was freakin pissed since he used me. So, I got my revenge x) Thanks to those who cheered me up :)

Now, enjoy the OP 1 of assclass season 1, WITH JUST KARMA AND NAGISA SINGI-// slapped. 

Let's start~


Next day~

"Today we're having our baseball match with class- A!" Koro-sensei cheered.

"Ahem. Aren't you forgetting something?" Rio coughed out.

"What could it be?" The octopus thought.

"The girls are also versing class-A in basketball!" Rio panicked.

"Don't worry about it, I could teach you all I know." You spoke up excited.

" it just me or (y/n)'s face is really lit up right now?" Kayano asked. Long story short, you loooove basketball. And if you don't, well to bad.

"Eh? You play basketball?"Kanzaki asked changing the subject.

"Yup. Ever since I was a child."

"Then, we'll be taking your word, (y/n)-sensei~"

Time skip because I'm lazy to explain basketball rules and stuff~

"And that's how you play basketball." you explained. 

" you mind showing us an example?" Okuda asked.

"Sure. Hold on for a sec." you ran to the baseball field where the boys were practicing. You tugged on Karma's shirt and whispered, "Can I borrow you for a sec?" he nodded his head and followed you to the basketball courts.

Isogay's POV~

I saw Karma and (y/n) walk towards the basketball courts enjoying their time. It reaaaaally annoys the hell out of me.

That's no fair. Why does Karma-kun get to go with (y/n)! Sure he's good in basketball, but I could help to you know! Fine whatever, they could do whatever they want. Tch.

"Watch out!" I heard Nagisa call out. As I was spacing out, a baseball hit my forehead. 

"Ouch!" I yelped rubbing my forehead right after.

"Head shot!" Maehara cheered. 


3rd POV

"Huh? Why'd you bring Karma-kun?" Rio asked.

'He'll be helping me with showing an example. Karma, have a match with me." you smirked.

"Hm~ You sure with that, (y/n)-chan." He smirked back.

"Of course. Don't you go easy on me, Karma."

Time skip again because I can...

"Ah, you totally beat me." you sighed.

"Your pretty good (y/n)~ But if you think I'm good, you should see my brother play."


"Akashi Seijuro." (Looool sorry I had to.)

"Akashi Seijuro! You mean that Seijuro! From GoM? Can I meet him someday?!"

"...Sure...Anyways, I'm gonna go now." Karma replied regretting that he mentioned his brother. 

"Yes, I get to meet Akashi! Oh, and thanks for the match!"

The girls looked at you confused and coughed. "Well, I guess we understand now. Thanks, (y/n)!"

"No problem, now choose your groups, 5 people each. Let's see who'll be able to beat me." you challenged them. The girls ran for each other and soon got into there groups.

"Now, let's start."

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