Stuttering (Gamtav)

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Chapter 1

I hear muttering as I start to come to. I feel around and first I realize that I'm in a respiteblock in the infirmary, then I realize that my legs have been replaced, and my eyes fly open.

"TaV-SiS! YoU HaVe aLl uP AnD GoTtEn yOuR WaKe oN!" I hear as a pair of arms wrap me up, and I instantly know it is Gamzee, but Tav-sis?

Voicing my confusion I say,"wHAT, uH, dO YOU MEAN, tAV-SIS?"

I look around and see Karkat and Eridan shifting awkwardly.

Once I see this I realize the truth and smile, as crazy as it may seem. "AT LEAST VRISKA WONT, uH, bE ABLE TO TEASE ME FOR BEING TOO FEMININ."

Everyone stares at me for a second and then Gamzee breaks the awkward silence with a booming laugh and says, " ThAtS RiGhT TaV-SiS, sHe cAn'T AlL Up aNd gEt hEr tEaSe oN."

He looks down at me, his usual loopy grin plastered to his face, his arms around me... Maybe this gender swap thing wont be so bad after all.

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