Is Trust Real?

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    I ran through the woods with sweat soaking my shirt. I heard it behind me, and quicken my pace. It felt as though I had been running for miles. My legs were exhausted and my vision was blurry, but I trudged forward anyways. I was in an unfamiliar part of the forest, and I had no idea where I was going. All I knew was that I had to get away from the monster.
    Closing my eyes for a brief second, I tried to straighten my thoughts. When it felt as though my thoughts were as straight as they were going to get, I opened my eyes. It felt as though a sudden energy reserve kicked in, and I was running faster than I ever had before.
    I ran more and more, my energy somehow building up again. Then, I fell. (I will love you if you know where that is from)
    I tripped over a tree root that had been sticking out, and went tumbling down a large hill. This particular hill also had many sharp rocks and thorns, causing my clothes to rip and scratches to appear all over my skin.
    Once at the bottom I grip my head, trying to make it stop spinning. I was sitting upright in the grass, still gripping my head, when I heard what I dreaded. Laughter. His laughter.
    His cackle traveled through the forest like a hyenas on the vast savanna. It came closer and closer.
    Something in my panicked, and I was unable to do anything. I sat there paralyzed, eyes wide open with fear, dreading the moment he would appear on the hill top.
    I sat there for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, I saw his golden, triangular figure on the hill top. He was still laughing with his eye closed.
    Looking at what was in his little, tiny black hand, I turned as pale as a sheet. He held my sisters decapitated head by her hair. She had a phycotic smile on her face and her eyes were pure white, adding to my fear.
    Then he came closer, until he was right in front of me. He stopped his laughter, but just his presence put me on edge. All he did was float in front of me and stare straight into my soul.
    Suddenly, he shoved Mabels head in my face. She started laughing in my face, and I fell unconscious. But what I really did was jerk into consciousness.

    Screaming, I sat up straight in my bed of grass. Sweat covered me head to toe, making me shiver in the crisp night air. My whole body was numb, making the pain I felt before I fell asleep vanish. I was slightly shaking, and I had put my knees to my chest and slowly rocked back and forth where I was.
    I had never had a nightmare that bad before, and I was completely traumatized.
   But before I had time to analyze the dream, I heard rustling in a nearby bush. At first, I thought it was just the gnomes that had brought me back some food. Then I listened closer, and there was no way a gnome could make that loud of noises.
    Slowly, I crept to the very back of the thorn bush, making sure not to poke myself with the sharp thorns. The sounds got closer, and I started to panic.
    What if a monster found me? Would my thorny fortress protect me, or would they even care about the thorns? These questions raced through my head, over and over.
    The rustling suddenly stopped. My heart skipped a few beats. Waiting, I started to realize that a shadow was cast over my home. Then I heard a voice that I didn't expect.
    "I know your in there, you don't have to be scared" they said with a soft tone.
    Not buying the act, I stayed put in my spot, making sure not to make any sort of sound.
    "I'm here to help. Your friend named Jeff told me you were here."
Jeff. That backstabbing, I don't have time to be mad right now. Despite what I said to myself, my first reaction was to close my hands around a pile of leaves.
    Well, they definetly know I'm here now. Realising what I did, I let go of them immediately, and mentally facepalmed myself.
    "C'mon, you can come out. Or will I have to go in?"
    At this, I made my decision. It was a risky one, but it might be for the better.
    Slowly, I made my way to the front of my prickly fortress. He heard me making my way to the entrance from outside, and I could hear him step back.
    I hesitated slightly at the entrance, going over the consequences of revealing myself in my head. So far, the pros ruled out the cons, and I emerged from my home.
I looked up at the person who talked me into coming out, and reconized him instantly. It was Ford.
"See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" he asked me in his soft, gentle voice.
I didn't think I could answer him verbally, so I managed to do a slight nod of no. He smiled and kneeled down to my height, getting a better look at me.
"You look as though you haven't had the best luck lately, can I help you with anything?" he asked me, his smile vanishing from his face.
I quickly nodded my head with another no. Without realizing it, I held onto my weak arm, probably making me seem defenseless.
He flashed a quick frown, but it quickly turned back into a smile.
"Can I at least know your name? Mines Stanford Pines." he said while holding his six fingered hand out.
I took a long look at his hand, then back to his face. His expression held a sympathy that I had never seen before, and before I knew what was happening, I was reaching out for his hand.
"Dipper" I said confidently, a little suprised my voice actually worked.
His smile grew when I said my name, and he pulled his hand away and put it on his knee, while I put mine back onto my arm.
"You know, Dipper, I could get you somewhere to stay that doesn't involve thorns. Would you like that?"
At this, I took a little step back. I knew what he was doing. He was inviting me to the shack. But as soon as I took my step back, he took one forward.
"You don't have to be afraid of me, I'm not going to hurt you. But you'll have to trust me."
    Trust. That word only meant decieve and manipulate in my vocabulary. With all that I've been through, genuine trust is extremely rare, and it's something that should be treasured.
    But I was taken aback a little when I heard the word come out of my future great uncles mouth. He's the one who told me to 'trust no one', yet here he was. Offering a place to stay to  a dirty and beat up kid who the gnomes told him about. That's something I would have never expected.
    In my head, reasoning and logic battled it out. Reasoning said that going with him would be better than staying out here in the forest. Logic on the other hand was telling me to run away from him, not to trust him, and many things along that line.
    But looking into his face, I saw something I never saw before in him; sympathy. And before the two sides of my brain could finish dueling, my instincts kicked in. Recognizing the familiar face as friendly, it did the speaking for me.
    "OK..." I said in a very soft, low whisper voice. I was suprised he even heard me at all.
    Instantly, he sprang to his feet, overjoyed with my response.
    "Great!" he said happily. "Now, let's go to my place, and we can talk more there, ok?"
    Getting more comfortable with his presence, I nodded with approval.
    He started walking away, and gave a six fingered gesture for me to follow. With my instincts taking over once again, I eagerly followed him into the forest.

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