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My name is Savannah my bestfriends are Kari & Patty.  We're all 22 years old and we go to UCLA. We instantly became bestfriends I mean we just clicked you know...

It was the beginning of February which should still be winter. But if you live in California you know that in winter the lowest is about 60 degrees but of course today we had summer weather which was like 90 degreess. My bestfriends and I decided that it was perfect for a BEACH day.

We packed up my matte black range & headed over to Santa Monica Pier. We finally arrived around 12:00 pm set up the cooler, umbrella, beach towels & my beats pill. We spent time tanning and put our feet in the sand. Of course we even asked a few strangers to take those cliché *beach pictures*

We decided to pack the car up and grab some dinner on the pier and maybe even ride a few rides. We threw our previous clothing over our bikinis and made our way to the pier.

Along the way we were approached by this group of guys. Whom I must say we're all attractive and I mean like panty dropping attractive. You know the nice body, gorgeous smiles and tattoos that made you all heart eyed.

"Hello Ladies would you guys like to play volleyball with us? We're short a few players?" A tall guy with hazel eyes tattoos and a man bun asked.

"Thanks for the invite boys really but we're going to head to the pier and grab a bite to eat, but you're more than welcome to join us if you'd like" my bestfriend Kari answered as she smirked

With that the guys all looked at eachother and nodded in agreement. So here we are waiting to be seated at Bubba Gumps restaurant with 5 guys that we met literally just 20 minutes ago.

The waitress called as the guys stood up looking at my bestfriends and I. After you ladies. Once we all sat and she took our drink order. The guys all asking for beers & the girls and I orders different Mai Tai's .

I later learned the guys names started with Nate, Swazz, Sammy, Derek, KDL and Dillon. Once we finished our dinner the guys would not let us pay. No matter how much we insisted.

They eventually convinced us to stay and hangout on the pier with them. Derek KDL & Dillon walked off to these girls leaving use with Swazz, Nate & Sammy. I mean trust me I didn't complain. We played games had a few more drinks and rode rides.

I walked off from the group sitting on a bench near the end of the pier just listening to the sound of the waves crash against the rocks. I felt the goosebumps appear and just the someone placed their jacket over my shoulders. I turned to be faced with Swazz and thanked him as he gave me a warm smile. He stood next to me as we sat in silence and admired the moon and its reflection on the water and the sounds all around us.

Nate, Kari, Patty and Sammy are all in line for the roller coaster do you want to go with them? He asked

I looked up at him and reached for his hand as I lead us to the line. We were all paired up and made our way onto the coaster. Swazz took his phone out and thought it would be funny to record me since I was scared shitless to ride this roller coaster over the fucking ocean.

"Savannah you were so scared, I could not stop laughing"

I gave him the death glare as Swazz showed everyone his snapchat that he recorded but I continued to walk as they all laughed at me. It was a perfect day. But before we knew it the pier was already closing for the night. We spent the whole time with the guys. We swapped phone numbers as they walked us back to our car. We gave our hugs and said our goodbyes as we went on our way.

The girls and I made our way home. We said our good nights as we all made our way to our bedrooms. I plugged my phone in and headed for the shower.

I woke up to my phone ringing like crazy. I had yet missed another call. Who could be calling me at 8 am in the morning? My sister Aaliyah that's who.
5 missed called 2 voicemails and 20 txts.

Phone conversation between Savannah & Aaliyah
Aaliyah: how WTF?!
Savs: Aaliyah will you stop screaming in my ear and tell me why you woke me up at 8 am?!
Aaliyah: Okay sorry. My bad. So I went on snapchat and I clicked this famous guy that I fallow and its like okay yeah cool bro. Then guys fucking what I see you?! Savannah on a roller coaster screaming
Savannah: wait...  what... I mean yeah I was at the pier lastnight with Kari Patty and these guys but no one famous..??

*Fast forward to end of phone call*

I hung up with my sister supper confused. By now it was 8:45 am and I had to tell the girls everything Aaliyah just told me.

Wake your asses up! FAMILY MEETING NOW!"
I yelled as I made my way to our living room. I took a seat and waited for them to wake up from hibernation.

"Bro wtf? Why did you wake us up its 800 on a Saturday. You do realize that we got in lastnight at like 2 am right?" Kari question as Patty nodded in agreement.

"Get your tea ladies time for some gossip." I told them as they both took seats on the couch.

"So apparently Nate, Derek, Sammy, KDL, Swazz & Dillon are famous"

They laughed at me and gave me questioning looks.
"Okay so Aaliyah called me freaking out said she was looking at this guys snapchat and that I was in the video. Said his name was Swazz and his bestfriend is a rapper name Nate Skate Maloley I told her no way & that she was crazy but she sent me pictures of them and look they are the same guys..."

I passed them my phone & right on cue it's like they new we were thinking and talking about them because our phones went off at the same time.

group txt:

Nate: Pool Party at our place tonight. Hope you can make it. 🍻
Sammy: yeah you guys better come it's gonna be lit.💃🏼👏🏼
Swazz: Savannah you better show up. 😏

I smiled to myself because I mean he pretty cute.
Who am I kidding he's FUCKING SEXY AF.

I felt someone staring at my as I looked up bothe Kari & Patty laughed at me.

I quickly responded to the group txt

Savannah:See you tonight boys😘👌🏼

Undeniable Attraction - J SwazzWhere stories live. Discover now