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I gently peeled the fingers that were gripped onto my hips off only to pulled back while he slipped his arms around my waist as he leaned down and began to kiss my neck and whispered into my ear "Don't be a tease Savannah."

Savannahs pov:
I was turned and faced with a drunk and high...


A very drunk and high Steven....

His eyes were bloodshot red he could barley even stand straight. The moment my eyes met his my facial expression completely dropped.

Maybe it was wrong but I wanted it to be John.

"Steven?" I questioned
"What's wrong Savannah? Why the sudden look of disappointment? Who'd you think it was behind you?"

He gripped my arm and a little to tight for my liking.  I tried to push him back but that only made him angrier than before... 

"C'mon Savannah who'd you think I was your little lover watching you from across the room?"

"Steven stop. You're hurting me. Let me go."

Within seconds someone yanked Steven making him release me from his grip.

Stass wrapped me into a hug and asked if I was ok. Next thing I knew fist were being thrown I seen Nathan, Sammy and a few of the other guys grabbing Steven off the floor and throwing him out of the party.

When they walked back in my eyes met Johns. He had a torn shirt and his lip was bleed. Nate quickly turned everyone's attention back to the party so there wouldn't be a scene.

"Alright alright. A little performance from my boy D Luh and I. So light one up and if you don't have a blunt Roll One." Nate screamed into the mic

And just like that everyone's attention was no longer on the two of us. I walked towards the freezer and grabbed an ice pack. Within seconds John was no longer to be seen.

After scanning the room I saw him on the sofa with some groupie on his lap as he began to roll one. I let him finish and once he lit the joint I walked up to him.

The girl gave me the dirtiest look as she looked me up and down.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Jelousy evident in her tone

I let out a chuckel at her attempt. Luckily for her I wasn't in the mood for anymore dram. I reached my hand out..


He slid her off his lap as he grabbed my hand. I led us both to the bathroom located in his bedroom.

"Let me help clean you up." As I motioned for him to take a seat at the edge of his bed.

"Look Savannah. It's cool ok? Don't worry about it."

He tried to move away but I stood right between his legs as I took the alcohol swabb and dabbed right below his lip.

"You know Swift.... You didn't have to fight him."
"You know Savvs... You didn't have to flirt with him either.."

He kind of caught me off guard with his statement.. I mean what did he care though? He had Chantel and those other girls that were all over him.. Once I was done cleaning his face we just stood there in pure silence completely staring into each others eyes..

I grabbed the used cotton balls and bandaid wrappers from next to John and walked off to throw the trash into the bin. His hand gripped my wrist and gently pulled me back.

I was now standing between his legs yet again. But this time he placed both his hands on my hips as he stood up. We stood there neither one of us loosing eye contact. His hands traveled from my hips up along my sides caressing my bare back.

The electric feeling sent shivers down my spine and butterfly's to my stomach. His eyes flickered from mine to my lips like he's wasn't sure if he wanted to make a move or not.

"You gonna kiss me or not?" I questioned with a bit of sass in my tone

He let out a small laugh as he placed his hand on the sides of my face. I bit my lip looking at him as he continued to stare like I was some sort of math equation.

"Fuck it." He whispered as his lips landed on mine.

He asked for entrance with his tounge but I denied his request. That was until his hands slid down my back and gripped my ass. Making it easier for him, he smirked into the kiss.

I lightly tugged at the hem of his shirt my eyes never leaving his. I slowly lifted it over his head and tossed it behind me. Biting my lip at the sight in front of me. He pick me up in one swift motion and layed me on the bed as he was hovering above me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down as I kissed him. He slipped his hand inside my shorts and began to rub the place I needed and wanted him the most. Still lost in the kiss till I pulled away becoming a moaning mess till he stopped. I whined at the loss of contact till I realized he was removing his pants.

I removed my top and tossed it to the side. He climbed above me and kissed my neck leaving trails of little love bites. Once he reached my shoulder he kissed and bit my skin reaching my left breast. I sat up leaning on my elbows as he began to unclasp my bra but he came to a quick halt. I question the sudden stop with a look of concern.

"Savannah...? Is this what you want? Be honest and don't lie to me."

"What do you mean is this what I want? I'm sober John and if I didn't want this we wouldn't be in this position."
"I mean aside from the tension Savannah is this what you really want?"
"I mean yeah....
John I want this. I want you. I want us... I want this."

He finally stood up and walked towards his dresser grabbing a t-shirt. I walked over to him making him face me. I let out a deep sigh.

"Savvs that's the thing. I'm. Uhh. I don't.. I don't want to hurt you ok?"

"Something is preventing you from wanting this... And wanting me. But I guess we can try to be friends."

He let out a sigh of relief as he handed me a t-shirt and grabbed one for him self. I walked over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.  I walked out and he was laying in bed and watching tv. I sat at the edge putting my shoes on.

I stood up and grabbed my bag and went to say bye.

"Savannah stay. Please stay the night."
"John I don't think. Especially after what almost.."

He pulled me back to the bed and wrapped his arms around my waist..

"Friends spend the night at friends all the time right? So you can stay."

"Ohh so you ask Nathan to spend the night with you in you're bed too?"

He let out a groan

"Stay Savannah please"

Stina 😘

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