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Their parents were told that they were going to have a baby, a baby boy to be more exact. But when Harry was born, the doctors and nurses realized there was something wrong.

Four hours later, Marcel was born. Tiny, barely breathing, and very unexpected.

Anne saw something different about her boys that day in the hospital. Harry would cry whenever he was separated from his little twin brother and would not stop until Marcel was by his side. Marcel mostly just laid there, wrapped in a blanket, eyes closed and taking slow breaths. But Harry would simply refuse to be away from his twin.

The next year would be exactly the same, Harry and Marcel were always together. Without Marcel, Harry wouldn't cooperate with anything and simply be an impossible baby. And without Harry, Marcel would stop functioning. He would lock up and refuse to eat, sleep, or anything.

Anne knew then that her boys were special to each other, and it both made her happy and worried. She was happy because the two boys cared so much for each other, but she was also afraid that the two children being so close would cause troubles later on. They needed to be independent and not rely on each other entirely.

It was when Harry and Marcel were five that Anne really noticed something very different about her two boys. Mostly Marcel.

He had started to speak when he was three, though Harry had been talking for over a year by that time. But by five, Marcel's words still wouldn't come out properly. His sentences were short and choppy, and he would change subjects mid-sentence.

And while Harry and Marcel's dad would always complain about it, Harry would always wrap his arms around his four-hours-younger brother and defiantly tell his father that his brother wasn't "messed up" or "stupid", but simply "special."

And as the years went by, the two boys would change more and more. The boys' silky blonde hair changed to curly brown, their heights change and Harry eventually towered over Marcel by nearly twelve inches.

But what didn't change was their personalities. Their need for the other twin. Marcel's issues only seemed to get stronger: his obsessing, his need for certain things to be perfect, his speech problems, and his failure to understand certain emotions. While Harry, well...he simple became dangerous. At 15, the boys' father called Marcel dumb for not speaking fast enough, and Harry punched him. Flat-out punched his own father in the face.

It caused the end of Harry's parents marriage, and it also caused Anne to force her oldest son to go to anger management.

Marcel was 16 before he was diagnosed with autism.

Harry was 16 before he nearly killed someone.

And everything begins there.

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