Chapter 6

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Harry and Marcel had once promised each other, when they were 5, that they would never fall in love. At the time they thought girls were gross and weird, as most 5 year-old boys do.

And when Harry did start to like girls, and even fall in love with them, he watched and waited for Marcel to do the same. But he never did. Harry never saw his brother's face light up when a girl would walk into a classroom or any room for that matter. While Harry couldn't take his eyes off a girl, Marcel didn't give them a second thought.

This was the reason for Harry's suspicions that Marcel didn't like girls and was maybe more into other guys. And while Harry didn't understand how a guy could find another guy interesting in that way, he would be supportive of his brother. No matter which side of the fence he preferred.

But Harry never saw Marcel watch guys either. Which now led to Harry standing in the bathroom right next to his twin. It wasn't weird at all for the two to go pee at the same time, it happened all the time when they were younger. They just usually seem to have to go at the same time.

Marcel finished first and was already washing his hands when Harry asked.

"Marcey, do you like boys?" Harry didn't like beating around the bush.

Marcel turned to him and thought carefully before answering.

"I guess. I mean, I like you. You're a boy." Harry tried hard not to face palm himself.

"No, not like that. I mean, like, sexually." And that's when Marcel let out a small huff and dried his hands.

"I've told you, I don't understand all that stuff. It seems dumb to me and I don't really get why two people would touch each other in places like that. Male or female, it seems so dumb unless you're trying to have a baby. I don't get it. And I'm not turned on at all by girls, and girls at school have flashed me before and they've worn their skirts too low and I've seen pretty much everything." Which left Harry with one mere question.

"So, girls don't turn you on. Do guys?" Marcel sighed and stared at his brother.

"Why would it? I've got the same stuff they do. I don't get turned on every time I look at myself naked. Other guys certainly don't." And now Harry was confused. His own twin brother didn't get turned on at all, and didn't want sex with anyone? None of that made sense.

So Marcel left the bathroom, leaving Harry to finish his business.

And when Harry walked out of the bathroom, Anne stood in front of him with a stern look on her face.

"Now what have I done?" He asked, rolling his eyes.

"Why are you questioning your brother about such things?" She asked.

"Because I need to be able to understand him." And when Harry tried to walk away, his mother stepped in front of him again, stopping him.

"Stop trying to get in his head." She said seriously.

"I'm not. I just wanted to know-"

"His feelings towards sex are his business and his only. You don't have to worry about him. Unlike I have to with you." Ouch.

"You don't have to worry about me." Harry told his mother through gritted teeth.

"Oh, so I'm supposed to not care at all when my son is sleeping around with random girls? I hope to god you never become a father with that attitude towards sex. But with that attitude, you will probably become a father before 18." Anne rolls her eyes and walks away, leaving Harry counting backwards from twenty and his fists so tight that they're white.

That was the first time he actually wanted to punch his own mother. And that scared him.

Harry and Marcel had never been what you would consider popular kids at school. They'd both had friends before, but they all drifted away because of their issues. Marcel would weird everyone out and Harry would scare his friends away. So Harry didn't have any friends he could turn to when he felt like he needed to talk about things.

All he had was Marcel. Which was okay, because Marcey was really the only one who understood. Or at least tried to.

But Harry, still red in the face from the run-in with his own mother, went to his room locking the door behind him. He pulled his phone out of his back jeans pocket and started to type. Searching for something to help him understand the things he didn't.

It wasn't until 2 AM that he finally stumbled upon it, and was ready to either fall asleep or shout because he's finally figured it out. But even Marcel did he didn't understand it, so of course Harry walked into Marcel's bedroom waking the sleeping boy up.

"Marcey. Marcey. Wake up, already." Harry shook his twin awake, and the four hours younger boy scrambled for his glasses.

"What? Is the house on fire? Is a plane falling from the sky?" No.

"I've figured you out." Harry announced, sitting criss-cross on Marcel's bed, phone in hand.

"Have you?" Marcel would normally be absolutely overjoyed that his older twin was excited about something and wanted to share it with Marcel, but this was 2 AM. Come on.

"You are asexual. You don't sexually get excited by either women or men. You can fall in love and all that, but you don't care for sex." Harry smiled, proud of himself for being able to teach his normally smarter than him brother something.

"Or I just have autism and can't grasp the meaning or purpose of sex." That hit Harry hard. It was rare that Marcel ever spoke flatly and is if he really didn't give a damn. So Harry was surprised when Marcey seemed almost mad at him.

"Did I...are you mad at me?" Marcel rolled his eyes and laid back down, not bothering to take his glasses off.

"Well what did I do? I only tried to help, you know." Harry couldn't ignore the guilty feeling that was starting to overtake his body.

"I'm trying to sleep." Marcel snapped and he then pulled the covers over his head and in the process, disappeared from his brother.

Harry only sat there, his insides burning with guilt, and he couldn't deny the tears behind his eyes. He only wanted to help his brother, that's all. And now Marcey was mad at him.

"Sorry." He mumbled and climbed off Marcel's bed, leaving the room and going back to his own. Only there did he lean his back against the door and slide down to the floor, his phone clutches tightly in his hands against his chest. His breathing speeding up as he sat there in the silent house in the darkness. He never meant to upset Marcel.

And maybe he was taking it all too hard, it was simply a little mistake. But Marcel was Harry's only friend and only twin, so the pain was only twice as bad as it would normally be. And it hurt. A lot.

So, 2:12 AM in the quiet house, the only sounds to be heard were the muffled sobs of a 17 year old who felt bad for waking his brother up.

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