Plans change

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Spencer is now staying at Rose's house until Rose's mother can come back. Her mom found out that she had to go to the UK for a week in business. So Spencer said he would stay.

They are just counting this as part of his personal time for the year.

Spencer has been sleeping in Staci's old room which is across the hall from Rose which makes them both feel safer.

"No! Don't touch me! No! NOO!" Rose screams.

Spencer jumps out of bed and runs into her room gun in hand. He realizes she is having another nightmare and wakes her up. When she finally wakes she sits up quickly.

"Shhh. Are you alright? Can I get you some water or?" Spencer asks caringly.

She just nods. As Spencer goes to get water Rose sits there terrified at what she just saw in her dream. Spencer comes back and gives her the water.

"What did they do to you?" He asks in horror, shaking his head.

The only person that actually knew was a female deputy. No one else could get Rose to say anything.

"I think I'm ready to tell you." Rose says sitting up more.
"You don't have to if you.." he cuts mid sentence.
"I think I need to." She says and he nods.
"When the lights went out at the show I felt someone grab me now I think it was Staci and then there was a sharp pinch in my neck. After I yelled for you it went black." She starts.
"We found the syringe. They had drugged you and carried you out the back." Spencer tells her she nods.
"When I woke up I saw Staci, her dad, and uncle. They told me what I needed to paint and so I painted. At some point while I was sleeping they put that chair down there. Jason sat and watched me paint before he came into the cell and umm.. He uh.." She begins to cry.
"I know and I am so sorry you went through that. I wish I would've done something or just-"
"You couldn't have stopped it... After he finished he made me continue painting. Once I finished painting the uncle took it and hung me up and beat me. He had rules for a game and if I did something he didn't like he would whip me. I would get three chances before I got burned. He didn't give me the three." Rose says rubbing the burns on her body. "Then he got bored with that too. He went after the knives. When I yelled for help he cut me randomly all over. If you guys wouldn't have got there when you did my mom would've went to a funeral instead of the hospital. You saved me." She says beginning to sob.

Reid moves closer and pulls her in trying to comfort her. She does calm down after about a minute.

"Will you stay in here? We'll have separate blankets I just don't want to be alone again." Rose asks.
"If it'll help you sleep; anything." He says smiling weakly.

He goes to his room putting his gun away and grabbing a pillow and blanket. When he comes back into Rose's room she has moved her blanket onto one side of the bed. Spencer goes over to the empty side and sets down the pillow, crawling into the bed covering himself.

Reid's POV
I'm lying here next to Rose wide awake. She woke me with another nightmare. They seem to be getting worse. She finally told me what they did to her and now I can't sleep. I roll from my left side to my stomach that doesn't help. Right side facing her, nope. I finally just lay on my back and think.

I hear Rose mumble in her sleep and then she rolls over and puts her head on my chest. I'm taken aback and don't know what to do. I'm not even worried about her germs right now. I put my arm around her and pull her closer. I soon drift off as well.

Back with the team

The team has just finished a case and is hoping to get some time before the next. They are currently flying back to Quantico on the jet.

"How do you think Reid's doing with his new girlfriend?" Morgan asks chuckling.
"Actually he texted me a while ago." JJ says.
"What did he say?" Garcia asks over Skype.
"He said 'What does it mean if a girl asks you to stay with her after a nightmare and then ends up cuddling with you?'" JJ reads the text off her phone.
"My man!" Morgan says laughing.
"What did you tell him?" Prentiss asks.
"That either she likes him or she was just scared." JJ says.
"I hope he's not being weird about it." Prentiss says.
"He is extremely awkward." Rossi says and they all agree.

Reid's POV

After Rose had me stay with her last night I've been really confused. I've tried not to show it but I think she noticed. When I got up this morning she was still sleeping but had rolled over so I got up and texted JJ. She told me that Rose might likes me but could've just been scared.

That didn't help, now I'm even more confused than before. Rose is going out with a few friends so I'm gonna Skype them when she leaves.

"Do you have your pepper spray?" I ask.
"Yes and I have my keys and phone."
"Pockets so I don't drop them." I nod as she says this.
"Have fun."
"Thank you. Bye." She says and walk out.

Once she and her friends drive off I go on my phone and FaceTime Morgan. When he finally answers I see he's on the jet with JJ and Prentiss looking over his shoulder.

"How's it going kid?" He asks.
"Good. I'm just really confused."
"That's understandable Reid." Emily, Prentiss, says.
"So what's up?" Morgan asks.
"I want to take Rose on a date." I say awkwardly.
"My man!" He says and the girls aww and I think I hear Garcia in that also.
"But the only date I've ever gone on was that one that was a set up and we almost died from." I say.
"Really?" He asks.
"Yeah... What should I do?" I ask.
"What do you think would be romantic?" Morgan asks.
"I don't want to give it away and a fancy restaurant would do that." I say.
"Do a picnic." Prentiss says.
"Yeah. And get her favorite take out." JJ says grabbing Morgans tablet.
"Okay then." I hear him say.

Prentiss and JJ sit down with the tablet.

"Yeah and I could set it up in the back years with lights and things." I say thinking about it.
"And you could get her a present of some kind. Not expensive but something that shows you care a lot about her." JJ says.
"Not flowers or jewelry. She no longer likes flowers all that much and she hates when guys get her jewelry unless they're really deep in the relationship." I say.
"Chocolates?" I hear Rossi say.
"No the restaurant I'm thinking of has chocolates I'll have to get with the meal." I say.
"That's so cute." Prentiss says making a baby face and I begin to blush.
"How about a teddy bear?" Garcia says.
"That's great! Something to keep her safe when I have to leave." I say getting excited.
"Look at his eyes twinkle!" Prentiss says and I blush once again.
"Don't they have a build-a-bear type thing in that town?" JJ asks.
"Yes they do." I say.
"Do one of those. It'll mean more." I hear Hotch say.
"Thanks guys. I better go get this done before she gets back. She went out with friends for the day." I say.
"That's a big step." Prentiss says.
"She was excited about it." I say.
"That's great." JJ says and Emily nods.
"Talk to you guys later! Bye!" I say and they all say bye back and I end the call.

Time to go build a bear.

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