Chapter Seven.

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The fesitval is getting closer and closer, and Sammy and I have no clue what we're going to do. Calvin has tried to help us, but even still, we're vacant of any ideas.

"I'm so so tired of this!" Sammy whines. "I mean, for all I care, I'll just send in a picture of sand."

"Sammy," Calvin says calmly, "I'm sure someone else already decided that as well."

I laugh at the idea of someone honestly sending in a photograph of sand. "I've been thinking of going out to the beach at sunrise or sunset, when the water is all shimmery, and the sky is fabulous. That could be a really great shot."

"Sounds wonderful, babe. I think I might enter myself," Calvin says poking my side. "Never know, there might be some kind of artist trapped in this hot bod of mine," he jokes. He flexes, totally unaware of how I'm trying to wipe up my drool and not widen my eyes. Dang, he really is fine.

"Whatever, Calv. You're more likely to enter a surfing competion," Sammy snickers. "Not that surfing is bad," she says quickly. Landon walks by, and winks at her.

"What's up guys? Still thinking about the contest?" he asks. Sammy scoots closer to him. We're all sitting at the coffee shop, Java Java.

"Yeah. I'm thinking of something to do with the ocean," I say. "Are you still doing the surfing contest?"

"Yep. Not sure if it's a shoo-in, but its worth a try."

"You always win, Landon," Sammy breathes. I give her a look, the look of you're-being-too-obvious-with-your-obsession.

He grins at her. "You're right, but I'm not so sure this year with Calvin. If he's entering, I have some healthy competition."

Calvin smiles, but instead of keeping eye contact with Landon, is eyes flicker to me. "I don't know about that, Landon. I don't really even think I'll do something for the carnival."

"What do you mean? You gotta do something while you're here, man! I doubt Columbus does anything like this during the year."

I swallow. I hate when people bring up the fact that Calvin is leaving at the end of summer to go back home. Its a risky relationship, I know this. But what could happen? What if he stays?

"Eh, I'm interested in other things while I'm here." He kisses my cheek, and wraps his arm around me. Landon smiles, and bids us a goodbye. Sammy looks at me, knowing what's running through my mind. We've talked about it quite a bit since Calvin and I got together. Neither of us really want to think on it.

"Hey, you know what sounds really fun? Swimming!" Sammy squeals. She races down to the pier, ready to jump in. Java Java sits really close to Crazy Tim's Crab Shack, not far from the beach. Sammy dives in without even bothering to take off her clothes. Calvin and I watch her from the shop's window, laughing. Little Sammy, trying to break the tension with her craziness.

"Are you okay, Sunshine?" Calvin says, his eyes glimmering with concern.

"Uh, yeah... I'm just thinking."

"About the end of summer?"

I don't answer.

"Sunshine, I'll call you, and I'll e-mail you. Heck, I'll even write you letters. I'm not going to forget about this beautiful North Carolina girl. You're completely unforgetable."

I smile at him. "Promise?"

"With everything I have." He links his pinkie with mine, and we head off towards the pier to swim.

"You guys are the slowest!" Sammy hollers.

We smile and on the count of three, immerse ourselves in the water, hand in hand, not worrying about what the coming of fall will bring.

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"So, do you love him?"

I almost choke on my popcorn. Sammy is over, and we're watching a Lifetime movie together. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me Sun, I don't stutter. Do you, Sunshine Collins, love Calvin Daniels?"

"Sammy! We've been dating for three weeks!"

She smirks. "And that's not enough time to know? I see the way you guys look at each other. You're falling fast, Sunny girl, and you can't help it one bit." She slurps her soda, sighing with satisfaction.

I feel my stomach flutter with the butterflies Calvin usually gives me. Do I love him? My heart thumps, my face heats up, and I can barely stand sitting here without him. Every part of me wants him here, and I smile to myself. In love? With Calvin?

"You know what Sammy, I think I am."

She drops her popcorn bowl, to my irritation, and throws her hand against her forehead dramatically. "Oh my, oh my! Sunshine Collins, admitting to love! This is the day, y'all. Tie down your pigs, they're sproutin' wings and takin' off!"

I grin, and throw a pillow at her. "Shut up! Don't you tell him!"

"Aren't you gonna do that yourself?"

Looking at Sammy's amused face, I smile sheepishly. "I want him to say it first."

Sammy smiles softly. "He will. That boy's crazy for you, and if he doesn't say it soon, then he's afraid to lose you for saying it."

Thinking to myself, I know that he knows I do. How could he not? Isn't it obvious how every time he's around me, my stomach flips? My world closes in on just him? There's no one in the room but him. His smile can make my heart stop, and no one, not anyone, can smolder their eyes in the way he did. No, there really wasn't anyone who could make me feel the way he did.

He was Calvin Daniels. He could probably do anything.

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