Scarlet Tips Hotel

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Chapter 1: From the womb comes death


A Dark shadow and blanket of rain fell hard upon miles of sand and dirt. On a road fissured within the region, a red corvette flashed its high beams across the endless thoroughfare. Driving it was a man in his mid twenties. His eyes, brown as caramel, were locked on the street as he tried feeling for the handle to his glove compartment. The man's hand slithered its way to the small handle, opening the drawer of the vehicle. He tried extending more as he began scavenging in the compartment for a small piece of paper. While the man's other hand was attempting to keep a tight grasp on his steering wheel. The cuts and bruises present on the knuckle of his hand began to strain from keeping his car on the road. The index and middle finger of his left hand clamped together, securing some sort of paper within his clutch. An expression of relief went across his face as the man motioned the paper between his fingers to his palm. He then, brought it toward his face. The article was small and rectangular. A business card of some sort.

His eyes were focused on the paper. It said,

"Scarlet tips hotel, where your dreams become reality at a fraction of the cost." His attention was then, drawn to a red wax crest printed on the business card. The man felt an uncanny presence from the crest. It had what looked like three prongs of a clamp coming down upon a vaguely familiar figure. It looked like a woman in a dress. The man's eyes were feeling weary. He rubbed them to perhaps get a clearer look at this crest. Maybe it's just the gloomy night getting to him. The man looked below the quote and saw the directions.

"One...five..and... seven?" He cautiously said. His abilities with the english language were approachable at best. The man continued to read the remaining address. " of...highway Twenty-eight."

He then, put down the card, only to see what looked like a person in the middle of the road. The man, spooked by their appearance, stomped his foot on the brake. His car tried stopping, however the vehicle had almost no traction to slow it down. The car barreled toward the impending roadblock. The man pressed on the brake as hard as he could as the car came to a steady stop. He felt as his car, then, jerked back to readjust its position. His heart was pounding in the aftermath of this potential calamity. The kept his head against the steering wheel as the adrenaline, from almost murdering someone, made his heart race. "There's still someone there, isn't there?" Notioned the man. His head jolted back up, in sight of what was infront of him.

The man saw an old woman in schmattes. Her grey hair was saturated by the downpour above her. The man didn't hesitate in his next motion, as he opened his car door and walked to the old women. Once his head reached the moistened air of outside his car, he felt each droplet fall in his hair and upon his face. The man began running to the front of his car while, keeping his right arm above his head to help with the hard showers.

"Excuse me....Mi' Miss?" He hesitated. "Umm, are you alright?"

The woman refrained from even turning toward him.

She continued to stare at the face of the car. "Uhhhhh. Miss? Wou..would you like a ride in my car? It's very cold out here. You could get very sick." He said very timidly, expecting an error in his speech.

The elder woman still didn't respond, however she began to advance toward him. The man stepped back in fear of her silent approach. The old woman then, turned to the vehicle and opened the back seat. The man felt some sort of relief in her compliance. He then returned to the front seat, continuing to keep his hand up from the rain.

"Alright!" He said as he bounced back into his seat. "So miss, where were you going to?" Still no response. Only continuing to stare through the windshield of the car. "Miss? Do you remember where you were going to?" Still she didn't utter a word. "Alright then, I hope you do not mind me dropping you off where I'm going." He put the gearshift into drive and began driving forward. The man felt an awkward aura between himself and the woman.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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