Ultimate Boy #2

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"Beast Mode"

Professor Craig Caltin is visiting a zoo where he plans to purchase all of the animals and give new jobs to the employees. The owner of the zoo asks him why does he want to purchase of these animals. The Professor tells him that it's top secret business.

At the U.S.P. HQ, Cj is in the training room testing out his abilities and is confronted by his Grandfather who is still angry about his brawl with Sharktooth. Cj tells him that he is going to be a warrior if likes it or not. His grandfather tells him that he doesn't want him to use his powers wildly, because it can leave him in a helpless state called "Energy Lock". Cj tells him that he knows what he's doing.

At the A.L.P.H.A. Labs of Ultimate City, Professor Craig is extracting DNA samples from all the animals he purchased. He is happy to find that his plan might just work. His lab partner Stan Langley asks him what is going to do with the DNA of the animals. Professor Craig finally reveals his plan. He has been diagnosed with cancer for years and is closed to his "expiration date ", but has discovered that he can survive by using the DNA of a lizard his cells will constantly regenerate, and his obsession with animals brought him closer to his plan, but if use the DNA of a lizard he might transform into a mutated version of one (who's wants to live like that). So by using the DNA of different animals he can counter balance his cells by keeping them in more than one state. Stan tells him that he sorry and didn't know. Craig Caltin tells that he doesn't have to be sorry because anymore. Craig injects the serum into his bloodstream and immediately feels himself getting healthier.

Cj is sewing a big purple on his hoodie so he can have a symbol. Cybark helps him come up with a catchphrase, but they are having a hard time doing so.

Professor Craig is feeling better than ever until his body shuts down. Realizing that he has become immobile. Craig is forced to slither like a snake towards Stan who gives him some of the DNA stabilizer. Craig begins to fear for his life again and finds that he is running out of stabilizers, but doesn't have the supplies or money to make more because of all the animals he brought so decides to do the one thing he never thought he'll have to do. Steal. By using his ability to mimic animals he can easily rob the Ultimate City Bank get away before the U.S.P. show up so he puts on a mask and suit that will contain his rage of ten hungry lions.

Cj decides to go patrolling in the city and show his new symbol, but he sees people running and he asks them what's going on and tell him that some guy is robbing the Ultimate City Bank. Ultimate Boy arrives to see the robber who is none other than Craig Caltin a.k.a Beast Mode. Ultimate Boy tries to reason with Beast Mode, but uses the strength of Elephant and punches Ultimate Boy through the building. Ultimate Boy gets up to regain his footing, but Beast Mode uses the momentum of a Rhino and knocks him down again. Beast Mode grabs the money and flies off like an Eagle getting away. Ultimate Boy then looks down ashamed and begins to think that his Grandfather was right about him not being cut out to be a warrior.

Cj's grandfather has just hired entrepreneur Jw Moir to be the head of U.S.P. weapons manufacturing and he promises to make the best weapons ever.

Ultimate Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now