Hold On

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Title: Holding on

By: yukimiya87 

Beta-read by: noir_sakura20 (thank you! ♥)

Pairing: YunJae

Rating: NC-17

Length: One-shot

Genre: Romance-Drama

Warning(s): It's long... like 7,652 words. ._. OH it has fail!smut somewhere. xD

Summary: Kim Jaejoong swore never to fall in love with a soldier. But everything changed since he met Jung Yunho, a clumsy high-ranked officer who's determined to win over the medic's heart.

Credit(s): guirotic  for the idea. Hold on babe, keep smiling. :) // Images used are from fanpop.com

“Have you seen him?”


“The medic at sector three?”

“What about him?”

“Ah, let’s just say that when you see him, you’d wish to get hurt more often.”

Attention!” one of the Lieutenants exclaimed.

The two cadets scampered in their posts when they saw the towering form of their Captain, making his way in front of their company. Everyone stood straight, arms behind their backs and feet spread apart. The man’s appearance always demanded respect and concentration that he did not even need to utter a single command for them to focus and act like a proper soldier. His almond eyes were piercing, his mouth shut in a tight line, his posture ramrod and stiff. 

“At ease.” The Captain ordered and watched as everyone relaxed their bodies with the exception of their right foot. “Today, we’re about to commence recruit training so I expect full cooperation from everyone. I will oversee the training while your platoon Lieutenants will guide you all throughout the course.” It was standard operation, a menial duty that he had done for the past few years. After the initial instructions were given, everyone dispersed and went off to the training grounds in clumps of excited youth.

“Captain Jung, you should at least look a bit excited for them.” Lieutenant Shim ChangMin noted as he walked dutifully next to his friend, “They’re so nervous; some of them might’ve peed in their pants.”

Captain Jung YunHo eyed his friend as if he’s gone bonkers, “Am I suppose to baby-sit them, Lieutenant?”

ChangMin shook his head, “I was talking about moral support, sir.” It didn’t bother him whenever the other soldier pulled ranks. Only in training grounds, he recalled telling YunHo when the other was promoted a few months ago.

“I just hope this day ends well.” There was a distinct sound of disappointment in the higher-ranked officer’s voice.

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

YunHo shrugged, “A foreboding feeling.”

ChangMin laughed, “You’re just hungry.”

“That too.” He hardly had time to eat anything since the meeting started early for breakfast and ended quite late for lunch. They had just come back from the other side of the city and now they were about to inaugurate military training to a bunch of floundering trainees. It wasn’t the most pleasant thing to do when you have nothing in your stomach but lots of water.

Hold OnNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ