*I dedicate this to my mother, who was batteling hodgkin's lymphoma at the time I wrote this. I hope it is as rewarding for you to read as it was for me to write. Thank you.*
When does realistic become pessimistic?
I know you’ve found Him, but I haven’t.
And it sincerely scares me
putting so much faith into
Somebody, Someone, Something
I don’t know.
But I am real and here,
flesh and blood,
with all my love.
And believe me when I say
this is not a curse,
just a plead
to let me nurse.
as you did when I was young.
teetering and tottering,
around and abound.
Then I tumbled, and you plucked me up.
Gave me a hug and a kiss
nothing ice cream can’t fix.
I remember these warm whispers of love.
I know your hope is big
and your will strong,
but during distressing times
you shouldn’t, you don’t, you can’t
go it alone. Don’t you know?
Your daughter is here,
eternally near.