Once all the tachikomas were ready me and "major" Selvaggia headed out with them to go after the tank while the others went to figure out what is going on exactly.
- So do we know who's controlling it? - I asked as I was trying to make a conversation while we were going to go to meet up with the police that was already standing in the tank's way.
I'm pretty sure they'd be smashed by that.
- Not yet - Selvaggia replied in the meantime - But the boss and Togusa is on to find out.
It's interesting how sometimes I feel like she doesn't even care about me, but at the time she was the one forcing Angie and the other to let me go here to make me a human again.
And that's not the only time I felt like she cared, but I'm not going into it for now.
- Hopefully monkey face will succeed.
- Focus, German! We're here! - she said as we arrived to the police.
Weirdly as we inteoduced ourselves to them they looked shocked.
But whatever.
- Ops... Major... - I gasped.
- What?
- It's here.
And from the mountains the tank walked out and stopped once when it probably saw us in the way.
- It's time. Get out of the way! - Selvaggia demanded - From this point Section 9 is going to take care about this issue.
And with that while the tank took off we went after it.
- Saito, are you ready? - she asked him.
He was sent out to get to the perfect place, where he can shoot the tank out before it gets to the city and and starts to rage out and kill people.
- Almost - Saito replied through the radio.
He's the team's sharpshooter.
10 out of 10 times he's successful.
Hopefully he can shoot this crazy tank out as well, but for some reason I doubt it'll work.
But let's see.
----- TIME SKIP -----
Once we got to the place we backed off while Saito was about to shoot.
But then...
- Fuck... - we heard him groaning.
- What is it? - I asked him.
- It hacked into my cyber eye... I'll try to shoot it with the normal one.
He has a cyber eye which helps him shoot whatever he needs 100% perfectly.
Now he was hacked, but even that it didn't matter since the tank's armor is was to strong and easly continued it's way without any problem.
- What the fuck?!
How the hell are we going to get out of this?