The Party

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The day of Willow's party arrived and she was so excited, and so was I. The party was not until later on in the day, so i went early to help Willow and her mum to put up decorations and stuff. "Meg!" Willow screams to me as i pull up on the curb.

"Happy Birthday Willow!" i scream back to her. "Your finally 21."

"I know, i feel so grown up and mature" she says in a grown up voice.

"Mature, Willow you're far from that." i giggle, joking around "Your way to awsome to be mature"  i say jumping up onto her porch.

"Hello Megan" said Willows mum from around the corner.

"Hello Fray, how are you?" i reply

"Good, thanks"


A few hours later the party began and in 15 minutes it was already wild . People were dancing any place they could, and the living room was packed, Im suprised Willow's mum let her have the party in the house, but i'm glad she did, it was great fun. One of the last people to arrive was Luke, and he was lookin' good.

Willow persuaded me to talk to him, and i couldn't not agree with her. "Hey" Luke says before i can say anything.

"Ohh, Luke, umm hi"

"How are you Megan?" Luke asked

"Ahh, it's Meg and yeah i'm good. You?"

"Yeah i'm alright....So, do you have a boyfriend now" Luke said jumpig straight into it and making it awkward.


"So do you guys want a drink, there's plenty" interrupted Will. 

Saved by Willow.

"Yeah sure"

"Come on then"


"Thanks Will"

"What for?" she says modestly

"You know with Luke"

"Ohh, yeah thats cool, he was scaring me so i don't know how you were feeling"

"Well thanks anyway"

We walk into the living room "Lets get this party started!" Willow screams standing in the door way swinging her hips. Everyone cheers and it got even louder. I make my way over to the drink table and guess who was there. Luke. Helping himself to some of Will's Mum's Tequila. I want to avoid Luke, it was really awkward before and talking to him more would make things even more weird. I wish none of the things ever happened between me and Luke.

"Hey Meggles" Luke says, his voice slurring, he's obviously drunk. "Come over here and give Lukey a kiss"

"No thanks" I say turning to leave. But he insists. So i walk over to were he's standing. His friends all standing around him and laughing. "Want a drink" he offers.

"No thanks" I reply

"Come on just one drink"

"No i'm right" i look aroung hesintely to where Willow was dancing she had, looking for an excuse to leave. But there was none.

"Just one" I say making it clear. i take the glass and put it to my lips to drink, it was strong, no wonder they were already drunk.But i drunk it anyway. "How 'bout one more?", just one he slurrs.

"Luke, I said one" I say sternly

"One more" Luke screams now yelling. The party had become awkwardly quiet everyone watching and whispering.

I take the glass. I'm such a give in. Will says i need to learn to say no.

Two glasses soon turns into three and then four, with me giving in every time i was soon feeling dizzy and a little sick.

By the end of th eparty i was drunk. For the first time in my life, and i wasn't enjoying it. I am so glad Fray took away all the alchohol.


Because the party was an over night one where you bring your own sleeping stuff, it wasn't long before everyone had calmed down, and were starting to sober. Some longer than others, and some people were even sent home by Fray.

I was sitting on my sleeping bag talking to Luke about what happend, it was a bit weird but i was reasonably comfortable. Will had dissapeard out back with Mike. Lucky them. I wouldn't be surprised if they were making out or something, they were so happy together and they nearly never fight.


"Yes Luke" i say lying down

"Just so we're clear, you know i didn't mean that, Right"

"What" I say rolling over so i'm facing him.

"What, me and my friends did in the alley way"

"You didnt?" I say lifting my eyebrow

"No" He says his tone turns to sad.

"I cant forgive you" I say doubt filling my voice, I try avoiding his eye contact, I look around the room, what used to be a savage and wild party is now a mellowed down group of teens chatting and drinking like an adults party, people lying on sleeping bags everywhere. Willow has been gone for a while now, I hope she hasnt done anything she'll regret.

"Please" He whispers, his tone barely audible because of the people talking around us. We were the closest to the sofa, our sleeping bags pulled up against the wall so we could lean. I didnt feel anything else but comfortable, and I dont know why. This boy had done horrible things to me. But I didnt feel the slightest hint of awkwardness. It was like good old times, when me and Luke were dating and everything felt right.

* * *

Last night was a night to remember, chatting and talking turned into kissing and cuddling. I didnt know how it happened. We were just silently talking and he kissed me, we got carried away a bit, but it was still amazing. Willow enjoyed herself she said the party was just how she had planned.

"Wasn't it just the best party ever" Will exclaims.

"Yeah it was pretty cool"

"Pretty cool, it was just how i had planned it"

"And more" i giggle "you and Mike, out back" 

"Shut up, he is so sweet, plus i heard you and Luke were having fun,"

"From who?"

"No one, i didn't know, but i do now." she says cheekely

Willow is such a great friend, she's always listening and sometimes she'll laugh at stuff you tell her, but she's only joking around and she will never tell anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2011 ⏰

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